Rydges Brewery Opening....

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Got a note from the catholic club to say the Rydges will be opening
on Wednesday... ..and the Microbrewery! !!...

Ive just called the club and confirmed that they have been brewing
and their beers will be on tap..

Also in there is James Squires and Blue tongue beers

I might try a con the wife to go up for a sample or three of the
micros offerings.
For those that need to stay over, the new Rydges there has an opening special on Wotif of $139 with brekky. Noticed it the other day. Anyone got any comments on whether it looks the goods or not?
Would anyone mind letting us know where this new Rydges is located? I assume NSW somewhere...
Hiya Bonj, sure mate, the thread is "Rydges Brewery Opening...., New Micro in Campbelltown(NSW)!!!" and that is where this new Rydges property is located :)

I live so far away I'd have to stay over to give it a decent run, coz they locked all the dunnies on the railway stations some years back, and one can't jump off a train and empty the tank so speak, then hop on the next train through, like we could in the distant past. Cheerz Wab.
Doh... now I look like a dope. I never looked at that... just the title on my browser. Thanks for the reply. :)

Mell and I went down to 'sample' the wares.......I'd be interested
to see the brief that was handed over to the brewer for the selection
of beer styles considering it is in S/W Sydney.
The 2 beers on offer from the brewery are the Macarthur Wheat and
the Appin Ale.
The wheat is a Belgian wit beir, similar to Hoegardden(sp?) that you
can get at Dan Murphys for a comparison. It has a hazy apperance and
is tart, as you would expect with a wheat based beer. More to the
phenolic side rather than the citrus flavour and will be a great
thirst quencher come summer time.
The Appin Ale took a little time to come across what style it was
aiming for, considering our thoughts were fixed on the name 'Ale'. We
were expecting a coopers type or an American Pale ale. What Mell and
I settled on was ethier a Kolsch or German Altbeir(see cat. 6&7 on
http://www.bjcp.org/styles04/ ). We felt it was most like likely a
bit under carbonated. Very clear, almost polished appearance, with a
fluffy white, persistant head. Deep copper to amber in colour. Malty
on the nose to almost a honey-like aroma. Full malt flavour in the
mouth with little to no hop flavour but sufficient to balance the
malt and come thru in the bitterness and dryish finish. It will go
down well with the food on offer in the dining area.
It was a little up there in the costings as it was $5.40 a middie
and $6.80 a schooner. Maybe a little better priced if it were pints
and halves?? Then again, it is a Rydges hotel and not the club hotel.
The information from the bar staff was a little vague as we were
informed the brewer was from the '"Nine" islands brewery' and they
were brewing 'constantly' on site, yet not a single sign of anything
ever happening in there apart from the installation and also a
noticeable lack of support equipment for the brewery(mash paddle,
buckets, cleaning equip, etc).

Just my observations......

Mell and I went down to 'sample' the wares.......I'd be interested
to see the brief that was handed over to the brewer for the selection
of beer styles considering it is in S/W Sydney.
The 2 beers on offer from the brewery are the Macarthur Wheat and
the Appin Ale.
The wheat is a Belgian wit beir, similar to Hoegardden(sp?) that you
can get at Dan Murphys for a comparison. It has a hazy apperance and
is tart, as you would expect with a wheat based beer. More to the
phenolic side rather than the citrus flavour and will be a great
thirst quencher come summer time.
The Appin Ale took a little time to come across what style it was
aiming for, considering our thoughts were fixed on the name 'Ale'. We
were expecting a coopers type or an American Pale ale. What Mell and
I settled on was ethier a Kolsch or German Altbeir(see cat. 6&7 on
http://www.bjcp.org/styles04/ ). We felt it was most like likely a
bit under carbonated. Very clear, almost polished appearance, with a
fluffy white, persistant head. Deep copper to amber in colour. Malty
on the nose to almost a honey-like aroma. Full malt flavour in the
mouth with little to no hop flavour but sufficient to balance the
malt and come thru in the bitterness and dryish finish. It will go
down well with the food on offer in the dining area.
It was a little up there in the costings as it was $5.40 a middie
and $6.80 a schooner. Maybe a little better priced if it were pints
and halves?? Then again, it is a Rydges hotel and not the club hotel.
The information from the bar staff was a little vague as we were
informed the brewer was from the '"Nine" islands brewery' and they
were brewing 'constantly' on site, yet not a single sign of anything
ever happening in there apart from the installation and also a
noticeable lack of support equipment for the brewery(mash paddle,
buckets, cleaning equip, etc).

Just my observations......

Excellent appraisal Linz I never thought there were so many words to describe a beer .

Thank god you were not describing an Orgasm or it would run into more pages than one of Pistol patch's posts ;)

pumpy :)
the beers are infact being brewed by myself from FIBC, at the moment the "Ale" is our boring Dapto Draught (a bland lager, probably closer to a Kolsch than anything) and the wheat is our Wit the Longboard. These are not the beers they will be running with, just beers to get them started. I believe that we'll have a Hefe and an Aussie pale along with 2 others yet to be decided. I must say though that that's the best description/evaluation of the Dapto that I've ever read. Any other thoughts for the other beers?


The 2 beers on offer from the brewery are the Macarthur Wheat and
the Appin Ale.
It wouldnt be right with out a 'black' beer..Stout,Bock or Schwartz??

Love to have a hand in a "Raby Red" Ale ;) B)
I live close enough but, I need a better review then that to pay that much for a glass or schooner.
Sorry revdlrbob.
I hope you get paid a mint for it though.
let us know when the real liquid gold come out of tap.
some full malted lagers and alike
I live close enough but, I need a better review then that to pay that much for a glass or schooner.

Im sure you'd get it cheaper with a trip to the Five Islands under WIN Stadium in the 'Gong.....

Remember its the Longboard Wit and Dapto Draught... ;)
Got to watch the first brew go down yesterday.....an english bitter of sorts. A tonne of Fuggles was going into it...so 10 or so days and we've(M.A.L.E members) been invited down for the tasting, when we find out when its due on tap. Hopefully the Rev will keep us posted??

How did the rest of the brew go, Rev??
Well you have bent that arm.
Bet it falls on a working days ah, well. will keep my eyes open.
Might get a chance to finally meet with some local brewers.
I live in hope hehehe
How did the rest of the brew go, Rev??

We had a few hiccups, but then again, it was the first run through with beer. The fermenter manways leaked, we broke 2 of the arms and we found that the drainage was a bit lacking. Sure, the floor runs, but not o the drains. Oh, well. So we ended up losing about 20Ltrs or so, it was under gravity by 3 points, but the ferment has dropped 6 points since yesterday. Chugging along.

Will keep you all posted as to how the brew's doing and when it'll be on tap.

Sounds like fun. Cant wait to taste them :chug:

Kabooby :)
Well I got to see the last throws of the Hefe(The REAL Macarthur Wheat) being put to work on Wed arvo...and the 'REAL' Appin Ale will be ready to drink on tap around next Wednesday, so I was told by the brewer......
Does that mean there will be a gathering soonish around there?
Got to work next 4 days then by Wednesday.... who know....
Got this thread ear marked LOL
Hope the Rev gets back to us about the Pale Ale...I'm on a 3 day break till sunday
Hey Rev

How are these beers going? Must be getting close.

Hanging out to try them :chug:

Kabooby :)