Qld Xmas In July 2007 - Case Consumption

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2. Screwtop - Klsch - Bottled 30 Jun 2007, drink after 01 Sep 2007

Not reviewing, tried a bottle last night, has carbed ok, so should be ok now.
2. Screwtop - Klsch - Bottled 30 Jun 2007, drink after 01 Sep 2007

Not reviewing, tried a bottle last night, has carbed ok, so should be ok now.

Same for mine. All ready to go.

I only had Incider and Screwy's bottles to go and thanks to their go ahead, my case is now done and dusted. I've got a shocking palette, I'll leave the detailed reports of individual beers to the likes of Berp and Screwy. I'd just like to say I enjoyed all the case swap beers. Frogman has shown you can make a great K&K beer and the AG boys lived up to their usual standards. Being an out and out ale man, I am going to give my Beer of the Case award to Fixa for his Vanilla Bourbon Porter, this beer was right up my alley. Bring on the xmas swap. :beerbang:


13. Mothballs - AAA

Nice and clear. Nice deep amber colour. Slightly sweet smell on pouring. Messed up the pour and got a massive head on it. Head appears to be holding well. Head is an off-white colour. Taste mmmmmm... yummy. Can't work out what part of the taste I like. Head lasts to the end of the glass. A very nice drink, which at one bottle, doesn't last long enough.
Frogman's APA.

I have to echo the reviews above. Was a great beer. On the dry side, which I like, and nice hop aroma and flavour. If I could have made a K&K like this, it would have delayed my move to AG most definitely. Thanks Frogman! SWMBO and I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

Browndog's AAA

Well, I have to say it wasn't as "big" as I was expecting. The colour is more of a reddy-browny than an amber. Having said that, I'm really enjoying this beer. SWMBO is also a fan. Love the malt profile, and the hops too. Carbonation was fine on mine. Not highly carbed, but nicely for the style I think. And at 6.6%, after Frogman's it's giving me a nice buzz. Thanks immensely Browndog! Another masterpiece from you, mate.


edit: spelling
Being an out and out ale man, I am going to give my Beer of the Case award to Fixa for his Vanilla Bourbon Porter, this beer was right up my alley.

Cheers Mate, I'm Glad you liked it. It's my Favourite beer i've made so far!!! :beer:
11. Frogman - K&K APA

Very clear. Nice head that appears to be holding. Carbonation level good.
Citrusy aroma. Very crisp with with a hoppy flavour to the fore.
A nice beer to watch a lunar eclipse with.
6. FNQ Bunyip - maybe a smoked Porter

Poured with a nice head that lasted most of the way through the glass.
I thought I detected a slight citrus aroma.
Very subtle smokiness, but enough.
I think you got it right.
Really enjoyed it.

11. Frogman - K&K APA

Very clear. Nice head that appears to be holding. Carbonation level good.
Citrusy aroma. Very crisp with with a hoppy flavour to the fore.
A nice beer to watch a lunar eclipse with.

Really glad to here that you all seened to enjoy this beer.
Have taken the lack of malt comment on board and added 200g LDME to the batch I have fermenting now.
2nd hop addition done last night.
Still have three in the cuboard and 1 in the fridge.
After the 2 I took around to Ross' the other evening and hope the next batch is to the same standard as this.
I think this will become one of my staple beers.

3. SQYRE -Caps Lock Porter

Poured with a good head that died quickly.
Strong burnt toffee smell.
nice carb level
Left a bitter taste on my tounge.
Didn't stop me pouring the other half and drinking it as well.
Enjoyed it but it left me with cordial throat.

7. InCider - Captain's Daughter Porter

Poured with a good head that lasted most of the glass.
sweet to the nose. smells nice but I can't put a name to the smell maybe a pear liquer nose.
Good carb.
My second glass had some sediment chunks in it but that could be the fact its my Xth drink for the evening.
The more I smell it the more I think of pear.

Tastes Great. Another winner for the K&K guys......

Just to complete my case, and thanks to all for some memorable beers - all were good to very good.
2- Screwtop - Kolsch
Very pale straw with a slight chill haze/yeast. Very good carbonation - small bubbles lazily rising to a small dense persistant head. Slight citrus note in the aroma that carried through to the flavour. Refreshing and quite clean with a hint of honey, lite bitter finish - bring on Summer.
7 - Incider - CD Porter
Poured a deep brown with a slightly coarse head and nicely carbonated. Sticky toffee aroma and flavour well balanced to give a plesant malty finish - good one mate.
Mothballs amber

Hop flavour has faded a little no doubt but still very nice.

I loved the colour of this beer. Beautiful deep red hints.

Nice malt level. Drinking this side by side with browndogs would do this one a disservice I feel.

It is a very different beer of the same style. A "light" AAA as it were at 4.x% compared to something like high 5's or 6 but not lacking in hop or malt.

Very tasty.
15. Zizzle - Schwarzbier - bottled 24/7/2007

Appearance - Nice thick tan coloured head with fine bubbles, but faded quickly.

Mouthfeel - Thin to medium with just the right carbonation level.

Aroma - Almost no hop aroma, but did have a great roasty aroma. I couldn't detect anything funky. Really clean.

Flavour - Had a nice roasty flavour with a slight hint of coffee. Much like the aroma, this was really clean.

Overall - I've only had a few examples of this style, but this style is definitely growing on me, and your beer has just reinforced that. I wish I had another one to follow up with.
2- Screwtop - Kolsch

Nice pale gold. Not too carbonated but a nice level.

Almost honey flavour at times as was said before. A very very drinkable beer with a great flavour all round.

It had a lot of flavour elements similar to what my Nelson Sauvin ale was like very very early on leading me to think Jye's suggestion of NS in a Kolsch would actually be something work exploring...

I might look to make a good Kolsch first though...

Anyways, another top notch beer from the case!!
6. FNQ Bunyip - A Smoked Porter

Small head on this beer. Appears quite clear and very black.
Faint chocolate aroma is there with a little caramel (?). There appears to be a slight burnt (smokey ?) flavour at the back of the throat upon drinking.
Carbonation appears to be fine and the small head of the beer is holding. Yet another very nice beer to consume.
19 Berps Dry Stout

Great dark colour with a tan head. Carbonation level was good.

Had a nice roast flavour but I like them very roasty so I personally found this a little sweet.

Nice maltiness underneath.