Qld Xmas In July 2007 - Case Consumption

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That sounds like the best beer I have read about yet,wish I had one right now


Right down your alley Batz, on the dry side, great aroma and flavour all in balance I thought..
14. Stillscottish - Belgian Brown

Appearance: Poured with a good pale head, little lacing, did not lastl. Good carbonation with great colour to style.

Aroma: Yeast and alcohol little malt.

Flavour: Sweet and high alcohol maybe a hint of crystal and sugar medium carbonation. Sweet with low bitterness, very estery, alcohol warmth present.

Mouthfeel: Full body, high alcohol.

Overall: This beer may benefit from ageing, presently alcohol is covering all of the other characteristics of this beer even the yeast.
... but some ******* at Splendour in the Grass last weekend gave me a cold as well...So even if I wanted a beer, it may as well be a VB Gold, coz I can't taste anything.....



Just before anyone else said it..*ahem* "splendor in the Khyber..."

Thanks Sqyre for the work, and thanks Zizzle for the family secret. :p

Just before anyone else said it..*ahem* "splendor in the Khyber..."

Thanks Sqyre for the work, and thanks Zizzle for the family secret. :p


Had some funny Tok Bilong Pisin response but thought better of it. :lol:
17 - NickB -Very Ordinary Bitter
Bottle conditioned, went from bottle to jug to Pint glass.
Poured a hazy, red-brown with a reasonable sized offwhite head. Malty - toffee nose. Toffee maltyness with maybe a hint of citrus? are well married together leading to a big lingering bitter finish. Palate seems a bit on the thin side. The bitter finish is slightly on the high side for my taste. Overall a good beer Nick, I'd mash at a slightly higher temp to up the body and balance the bitterness but that's probably just me.
AAAs head to head

5 Browndog - Tittie lable
This beer presents beautifully - rich red colour with a smallish (disappearing) head. Malty aroma with hoppy notes and some citrus. Big hoppy flavours well blended with a strong malt backbone. Alcohol is well hidden, mouthfeel is good. I had to fight the others at the bar to keep my pint after giving them a sample. I really liked this beer - complex blend of flavours and texture works well, well done - almost as much as I liked the lable.

13 Mothballs
Again a lovely shade of red with a small head. Strong malty aroma. Rich malty flavour balanced with citrusy hops. Sticky , chewy mouthfeel somewhat annoying at first but by the end of the glass I'm looking for more - lingering bitter/sweet finish. Another good one, I'd probably give it to BD on points simply since I had his first and was more soberer then. You guys have got me looking at brewing up one of these babies.
Another good looking beer, a nice clean deep red/brown (in a coke sort of way) with a coarse off-white head. Sweet malty - brown sugar nose. Sweet malt flavours with hints of golden syrup?, rich full mouthfeel continues all the way to a sweet finish. Obviously a well made beer but slightly on the too sweet side for my palate mate.
Overall a good beer Nick, I'd mash at a slightly higher temp to up the body and balance the bitterness but that's probably just me.

Yeah, tell me about it. I really need to get an accurate thermometer.... Maybe I'll spring for one of those nice Mashmaster ones with the nice big face....


Bconnery's Dark Mild

Aroma: light malt and hop aroma. Hops are grassy/earthy. Medium/high esters.

Appearance: Poured with a thick head of off-white bubble. Looks long lasting. Colour appears as very dark brown - not sure about clarity.

Flavour: Strong malty flavour with a distinct tangy flavour (extract?). Some chocolate flavour in there. Little/no hop flavour. Finish is very dry, somewhat bitter and astringent.

Mouthfeel: thin body. Excessively high carbonation that creates a highly foamy mouth. This masks a lot of the flavours. Some astringency at the end.

Overall: Malt flavour appears right here. A light creaminess is present. The body is thin, which is OK for this style. Carbonation could be reduced for the next one.

"carbonation could be reduced."


I am a big English beer man so I was very disappointed with the eventual carbonation level.

I am finding balancing the AG carbonation levels a challenge so far.

With kits and then extracts I had it down pat, x amount for ales etc, but the AG seems to introduce a complexity. I have got it spot on in some and way wrong in others!!

My advice for those who haven't had this beer yet is open it in advance and let it flatten a little...
Also, a little after the fact, and I've been at the club comp all day so I might not be the most coherent, but I have some feedback on a couple... (I've missed a few too. Sorry. )

FNQ Bunyip Smoked Porter.

For me, perfect balance of the smoked with the porter backdrop. Especially once I let it warm up.

For those who haven't drink this beer warmer. Can't say what temp but not out of the fridge.

At colder temps I felt the smoked was dominant and all wrong. At the right temp the balance was perfect. Hint of smoked, great slight roast choc underneath in a nice body.

If you haven't posted the recipe Ned please do so!!

Chad's Wit.

Beautiful pale colour. Lack of clarity could have been even more lacking but managed all right. Spices were not tasteable which many say means you have them just right. I would have said a little more orange and coriander but not bas nevertheless.

Nice raw wheat bite..

This beer, made with one of the belgian wit liquids would be award winning I think, as was born out by the club comp today.

An extremely drinkable and good example of the style, but just lacking that extra factor that the yeast would have provided.
#16 Tyred Pale Ale

Hope your back on deck by now - bottle conditioned, poured a hazy red brown with good carbonation (a bit dark for style).Aroma is pretty good - reasonably citrusy. Flavour is malty with citrus to the fore but a bit more muted than I'd prefer, balance is pretty good as well. An ok beer all round but could do with the volume turned up a bit overall.

#15 Zizzle's Schwarzbier
Pours as black as a politicians sole with a small brown head and light to medium carbonation. True to style, this beer goes on to tick all the boxes then continues on to cross the T's and dot the I's. A good one Zizzle.
3. Sqyre - Porter

Appearance: Poured with a good tan head, little lacing, lasted reasonably well. Good carbonation with good dark colour to style.

Aroma: Beautiful toffee aroma, some malt with a little choc.

Flavour: Chock and toffee, slight crystal sweetness medium carbonation. Low bitterness, well balanced.

Mouthfeel: Med body, good balance.

Overall: This beer has a signature, I quite liked the burnt toffee aroma and flavour reminiscent of some English beers. Slightly sweet but nice. Bruce you should develop this beer, it has a "Something" in the aroma and flavour that stands alone. Very Nice.
Fixa's Vanilla Bourbon Porter

Aroma: Rish creamy aroma with some alcohol in there. I get the hints of vanilla and lots of caramel and dark sugars from the bourbon. Smells quite alcoholic.

Appearance: Very thin head - forms a ring on the glass, but supported by substantial carbonation. Colour is a very dark brown, almost opaque. Difficult to judge clarity, but on pouring it looked good.

Flavour: Straight away a hit of rich dark sugars and alcohol. Beautiful vanilla hint in there that is masked by the bourbon quality. Medium/low bitterness does not interfere with flavours too much. FInish is warming, dry, slightly acidic and very alcoholic.

Mouthfeel: Full body, very pronounced creaminess. Carbonation is medium, with a slight carbonation bite. Very clear alcohol warmth (I'll be sleeping well tonight).

Overall: What a great beer, Fixa! It is rich and creamy and caramelly. Love the bourbon and vanilla touches, they really make this beer. The bourbon more so than the vanilla. Did you add vanilla, or is this just from the wood that aged the bourbon? Bitterness is spot on. Not too strong to overpower the dominant caramelly flavours, but strong enough to cut through them. How much alcohol is in this one, since it feels like a lot. I am hesitant to have a guess but after a few sips, I am less hesitant and will say its around 10%.
Summary: excellent job Fixa. One of my favourite beers this year!

Cheers mate :beer:

Yes, i added Vanilla as well. The beer was around 7% before the bourbon was added, so not sure what it would be after that, plus primimg sugar...

Glad you liked it, it's one of my fav's too!
3. SQYRE -Caps Lock Porter

Initial smell from the bottle on opening was chocolate.Smallish off white head (but that may be the way I poured it). Still getting a smell of chocolate topping now that it's in the glass. Nice and dark as a porter should be. Nice dark flavour but I'm not sure what that is - chocolate malt & a little roast perhaps ? I'm basing that on a porter I made recently.Carbonation good, but mouthfeel appears a little thin ? Head (although small) appears to be lasting well (over halfway through the glass).

All in all very nice (yet again) and easy to drink. However, next test I probably won't have a pint of LCPA before starting.
I love Xmas - whether it be in July or December. The comeraderie, great beers and getting together with all of the Brewerhood: our mates, is the highlight on my calendar.

And then there is all these great beers. I was a kid in a toyshop after these were all cooled down. Yum.

You all make some bloody great beers and...ahem..cough... I've finished them all off. :D I love them too much!

And thanks again to Winkle and Anna - letting us renovate ourselves on the fine beers. You did an excellent job of looking after us, and putting us up. And putting up with us. :p

Not long now till we go to Sqyres. Zizzle, let's get our own door before we rock up! :super:

Bring on the Pale Ales

Frogman - K&K APA

Apperance - Lite amber with a very bubbly head which dies away to a white layer. Lots of bubble and high carbonation which came through in the mouth feel.

Aroma - Very nice, reminds me of my amarillo/simcoe APA.

Taste - Mmmm more amarillo. Dry and low malt backing up the hops.

Overall - Great beer and definitely try the same hops when you go AG.

Tyred - Pale Ale

Apperance - Dark amber and nearly brown. Creamy off white head that forms a creamy layer.

Aroma - Not a lot except a touch of caramel.

Taste - First mouthful I get smoke :blink: This is backed up with some malt and caramel. No hop flavour but very balanced bitterness.

Overall - More of an amber ale than pale ale and I have no idea where I get the smokiness.

bconnery - 9 Squared

Ive had this before and just enjoyed it in front of the TV, cheers Ben :chug:
Stillscottish's Belgian Brown

Aroma: Low aroma overall. Some caramel, some alcohol, some esters, but not much else.

Appearance: The beer poured on the flat side although in the glass now it looks like it is supported by reasonable carbonation. But not head unfortunately. Deep red/brown colour. Good clarity.

Flavour: Strong esters initially. Good hit of toffee. Bitterness is in the right plkace, just gets rid of the sweetness. Finish is dry, mildly bitter, with a toffee flavour and somewhat hot.

MOuthfeel: Medium/full body. Very slight astringency, which is masked by residual sweetness. Alcohol warmth, but also some hotness from esters and higher alcohols.

Overall: I dunno if it is my glass that killed tha head, but if not, I suggest add 250g wheat malt next time. It will give you the nice belgian lace. The flavour is very estery, as a belgian should be, but also hot, which suggests to me that the fermentation temperature was too high. There is a great toffee flavour in there, and the hops levels are well balanced. Maybe try a different yeast strain to avoid high temp fermentation problems? But don't get me wrong, its a very good belgian beer! Oh, perhaps some more munich malt to increase the creamy malt edge to that, but I get the feeling you might tell me it is made with 50% munich :rolleyes:

1kg munich and 500g wheat in it

You were right about the fermentation temp. Even in my 100 can cooler surrounded by 2l frozen bottles it took off like a train and pushed about 3 litres through the air lock.

Addressing the carbonation issue, when I bottled these in the past I used about 3/4 the sugar needed as they would be aged for over a year. I think now that as this batch was for drinking sooner, I should have used the full amount.

Thanks for the comments. I'm not sure whether to post my reviews as they are all along the lines of "it's beer, it's good".
