Qld Xmas In July 2007 - Case Consumption

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English, Irish, Scottish All In Brawl

NickB's - Very Ordinary Bitter

Apperance - Amber with a haze, I remember it being crystal clear going into the fridge. Low carbonation and an aggressive pour produced no head... I soon fixed that with a pocket beer sparkler which produced a creamy head that died to a fine layer with good lacing.

Aroma - Malty and caramel with low to no hop aroma.

Taste - Low carbonation gives it a full body but with a creamy mouthfeel. Highish bitterness that lingers in the back on the mouth.

Overall - Not a style Im a fan of (English :blink: ) but still a good beer all round. My on suggestion would be to reduce the bitterness.

winkle - Smokey IRA

Apperance - Dark amber and almost red when held up to the light. Good head that dies away to a thin layer. Slight haze.

Aroma - Only a hint of smoke and I dont think I would have picked it if I wasnt looking for it. After take a mouthful and breathing back out the nose it has a very pleasant level of smokiness

Taste - Remind me very much of Nicks VOB with a lower level of bitterness. Medium carbonations and a good balance of malt and smoke.

Overall - Very balanced and easy to drink. In no way over the top with the smoked malt like a Rauchbier.

TidalPete - Scottish 80/-

Apperance - Deep amber almost copper with a slight haze. Small head that dies away to nearly nothing.

Aroma - Caramel and alcohol with possible fusels.

Taste - Medium carbonation, malty and slightly sweet (crystal). Low body and the high alcohol cleans the palate quickly making it a rather dry beer.

Overall - From reading the style guidelines it does fit in but the alcohol stands out to much.

Chad Vs Jye (Bro against Bro)

I will concede this round <_< :D
It is a K&K. Worse still its a Black Rock Pilsner, 1kg dex, US56 and 60gms hops.

If only I could remember which hops it was (made two batches side by side using different hops).

Fermented at 18 for 2.5 weeks, chilled to 1 for 3 days then bottled with castor sugar.


I've been following the positive comments regarding Frogman's APA and seen no revealing of the 2 possible hops used up till now.

Frogman, this is obviously a huge hit and I'd like to try to make it, so can you tell us what hops it could be?? I'm happy to take a punt of one of the 2 hop varieties used.

Maybe some of the more experienced judges could hazard a guess from the final product which hops it might be? thanks for all help in advance. Cheerz Wab
Chad Vs Jye (Bro against Bro)

I will concede this round <_< :D

Roy Slaven "Yeeees HG, I think Beer is the winner today"

HG Nelson "And the Kiddies of future generations".

Good carbonation and I love the malty aftertaste. Yum.

Nice one. I'd jump through a screen door for another :blink:

The lids were on tight - who did that for you? :p

I'm surprised this was ready and carbed up. As for the lids, I thought I proved I had arms of steel when I thoroughly embarrassed Jye in an arm wrestle at the swap? ;)

BTW: anything that ends in bot is trademarked and copyright Zizzle, you need permission to use it. Expect a letter from my lawyers. :p
OK, time to bring some negativity before this thread turns into a complete circle jerk... :p

Nah, seriously, some good beers off the bat. But hey, we know that tastes are personal, if you like your own beer then that is all that matters.

Although I also think that as fanatical home brewers we sometimes get carried away accentuating the characteristics of some beers. Subtley is lost.

I have no idea on styles, so I'm just judging what I like.

10. Tidal Pete's Scottish -- light on the fizz so you can slam it down fast. :) Seems under carbed to me. No head to speak of, no rising bubbles after the pour. Maybe the Scott's like it that way. I don't particularly like Scottish Ales so there is no constructive criticism I can add. It's something about the malt or yeast profile. Dunno. Maybe someone else has the same affliction?

5. Browndog's American Amber Ale -- I must say that I was looking forward to this one, based on Ross having a big rap on Tony and the other reviews so far. Much darker than I expected. Small head. I couldn't get much aroma, slight hoppyness maybe. Initial taste is all bitterness to me. Seems to blast my wussy taste buds. I actually get a soapy taste that feels like it coats my tongue. Lingering bitterness. Too much alcohol, feeling the effects more than tasting it. I hope all that acid and alcohol doesn't do permanent damage to me taste buds ;) Seriously, I think it needs more subtlety for me.

9. Bconnery's Dark Mild -- Whoa, over carbed can't keep it in the glass. Big coarse head. I must admit that I haven't tries this style before. I tried this beer by itself the other night, but stupidly didn't right down my thoughts. I'm tasting it again, but I think my taste buds are already overwhelmed by the other two. Will come back to it I think. Carbonation held up very well in the already opened bottle.

12. Chad's Witbier -- Nice light colour, spicy aroma, nicely carbed. Tastes great, but I'm struggling to describe it. I'm not usually a big fan of the style, but could be after this beer. The last commercial witbier I tasted had a baked-bean flavour to it. Not even a hint of that here. Coriander & orange yum. Good to have a beer that gets away from being either sweet or bitter. Thumbs up from SWMBO too. Thoroughly impressed by this one. Glad to have the recipe attached to the bottle.

3. Sqyre's Porter -- Dark in colour but still quite clear, good carbonation, I get a hint of vanilla & caramel in the aroma. Mouthfeel: seems like a big bodied beer to me (much like it's brewer? :D). Very malty profile: flavour reminds me of something, I'm searching for words, some caramel & vanilla. Finishes quite sweet. I like it.
I'm surprised this was ready and carbed up. As for the lids, I thought I proved I had arms of steel when I thoroughly embarrassed Jye in an arm wrestle at the swap? ;)

Ive already hit the weights and protein... your going down at the next swap :D
I have been reading the comments on my Witbier and am happy that everyone is more or less enjoying it.
I was having second thoughts about doing a light beer in the beginning, but in the end thought it might be something different to balance out all the stronger beers a bit. This is the first time I have tried this Wit recipe, and looks like it might be a winner. I only have a few bottles of it left for some comps. We'll see how it goes.
. Browndog's American Amber Ale -- I must say that I was looking forward to this one, based on Ross having a big rap on Tony and the other reviews so far. Much darker than I expected. Small head. I couldn't get much aroma, slight hoppyness maybe. Initial taste is all bitterness to me. Seems to blast my wussy taste buds. I actually get a soapy taste that feels like it coats my tongue. Lingering bitterness. Too much alcohol, feeling the effects more than tasting it. I hope all that acid and alcohol doesn't do permanent damage to me taste buds Seriously, I think it needs more subtlety for me.

Zizzle, HTFU you IBU wimp ;)

next year you will get a boring old 28.5 IBU Hohum ale OK


3. Sqyre's Porter -- Mouthfeel: seems like a big bodied beer to me (much like it's brewer? :D ).

So you do remember me being in your mouth...and you said you were to drunk to remember anything. ;)

So you do remember me being in your mouth...and you said you were to drunk to remember anything. ;)


:lol: :lol: :lol:
So you do remember me being in your mouth...and you said you were to drunk to remember anything. ;)



My vote for funniest post of the year. Well done Sqyre :beerbang:


So you do remember me being in your mouth...and you said you were to drunk to remember anything. ;)

Don't be modest big boy, you wouldn't fit, remember. That's why you had to go find Sean. ;)
13. Mothballs - AAA. Keg conditioned good to drink now.

Appearance - Very deep amber colour, and very clear. No lacing on the glass but good head retention.

Mouthfeel - Had a good deal of body, but not so much that it was cloy (I love the sound of that word :lol: )

Aroma - Low hop aroma and malty. A very good balance.

Flavour - A definite malt profile, but maybe just a fraction too much as it hid the hops a bit. The hops needed to come through just a little more.

Overall - This beer seems to be pretty much to style. Personally, not a style that I can drink heaps of in one go, but a great beer non the less.
Don't be modest big boy, you wouldn't fit, remember. That's why you had to go find Sean. ;)
He found me! :wub:

15. Zizzle - Schwarzbier

Appearance: Poured with a slight brown head, a little lacing, lasted reasonably well. Good carbonation and colour is to style.

Aroma: Choc/malt. No yeast or alcohol. Very clean balanced towards malt.

Flavour: Choc up front maybe a hint of coffee with a choc malt finish and good carbonation. Dry with moderate bitterness, good clean beer.

Mouthfeel: Light/Medium body. Carbonation is good.

Overall: This is a very good beer, and one of my favourite styles, the choc aroma and taste were balanced so well with just the right amount of bitterness and a good dry finish. Could have spent the night drinking just this beer very easily. - Well done - Recipe please.
8. Bonj - Pilsner

Nice and clear. Couldn't get a head out of it but it appears to be well carbonated. Some sort of hoppy aroma. Not too sure. Tastes nice but I can't really identify anything in it. Doesn't appear to have a malty flavour but I don't appear to be getting any bitterness either. It could be that it's so well balanced that I can't tell.
Thanks for another very nice beer
Time to relax and enjoy.
15. Zizzle - Schwarzbier

Appearance: Poured with a slight brown head, a little lacing, lasted reasonably well. Good carbonation and colour is to style.

Aroma: Choc/malt. No yeast or alcohol. Very clean balanced towards malt.

Flavour: Choc up front maybe a hint of coffee with a choc malt finish and good carbonation. Dry with moderate bitterness, good clean beer.

Mouthfeel: Light/Medium body. Carbonation is good.

Overall: This is a very good beer, and one of my favorite styles, the choc aroma and taste were balanced so well with just the right amount of bitterness and a good dry finish. Could have spent the night drinking just this beer very easily. - Well done - Recipe please.

That sounds like the best beer I have read about yet,wish I had one right now

Wish I had ANY beer now..... I'm not only stuck at work, but some ******* at Splendour in the Grass last weekend gave me a cold as well...So even if I wanted a beer, it may as well be a VB Gold, coz I can't taste anything.....

Eagerly awaiting this freaking cold to dissipate so I can get stuck back into the case swap beers..... Oh well, at least I've got the internet working tonight at work, and plans to brew over the weekend.....

