Qabc Results

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Congratulations to all the entrants in the QABC, attached is a PDF file of the results which is also available on the QABC website.
All entrants who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd qualify for entry into the AABC in the category they have placed in, see the above link for more details and a link to the AABA site.

I would like to thank Adam (Sluggerdog) for setting up the QABC site and adding content as required.
Also a big thanks to the judges and stewards on the day, without them this competition would not have been possible.

As this is the first time in a number of years that this competition has been run I am hopeful it will continue to grow and become one of the more successful competitions in Queensland, already there are plans for next year including trophies, a Best of Show catagory, and some sponsorship as well.

All of the judging sheets and certificates will be sent out early next week.

View attachment results.pdf

Well done Andrew and I look forward to next year :beer:

Michael I expect to sample some of that porter at BABBs this week ;) :icon_drool2:
Well done all the place getters - I thought your APA had exploded Jye??? :unsure: You got 1st place.

Andrew, you say all 1st 3 place getters qualify, but don't they need to reach a certain score level as well?

cheers Ross
Well done all the place getters - I thought your APA had exploded Jye??? :unsure: You got 1st place.

Andrew, you say all 1st 3 place getters qualify, but don't they need to reach a certain score level as well?

cheers Ross
As I posted, all 1st, 2nd and 3rd place getters in this years QABC are eligible for entry into the Nationals.

As I posted, all 1st, 2nd and 3rd place getters in this years QABC are eligible for entry into the Nationals.


The rules state you must get 60% of the max available score to qualify, so I'm confussed? - not that it takes a lot B)

cheers Ross
The rules state you must get 60% of the max available score to qualify, so I'm confussed? - not that it takes a lot B)

cheers Ross

Please see post number 1, there is really no need for confusion.

Well done, all those AHBers who did well. Seems like there are quite a few familiar names there. :D

Please see post number 1, there is really no need for confusion.

I'm confused too Andrew. Just that the AABC website has this criteria.

To qualify for the Australian Amateur Brewing Championship, a brewer
must have placed first, second or third (and scored at least 60% of maximum possible points)
in one of the years State/Territory Qualifying Championships

Well done to all involved and place getters. I'll be there next year with carbonated beer (luckily Screwtop was the only one to enjoy the flat stuff).
Well done, all those AHBers who did well. Seems like there are quite a few familiar names there. :D
I'm confused too Andrew. Just that the AABC website has this criteria.

I will get back to you all later with details, please be patient.

Well done Andrew. Thanks for taking this on for Qld Brewers and giving us the opportunity to enter.

I look forward to next year, and urge Qld brewers to get behind Andrew and support Qabc, time and effort is required and he has stepped up to bat.

Well done Andrew. Thanks for taking this on for Qld Brewers and giving us the opportunity to enter.

I look forward to next year, and urge Qld brewers to get behind Andrew and support Qabc, time and effort is required and he has stepped up to bat.


I'll be there next year & hopefully as a sponsor as well - Unfortunately, this year clashed with a work overload, which meant I had to cancel my UK trip as well :(

cheers Ross
Congrats to all who entered and extra special congrats to those that got places!

Well Done!
Michael I expect to sample some of that porter at BABBs this week ;) :icon_drool2:
Well I hope it's a good one ... the Porter and Stout came 2nd & 3rd at BABBs comp, the Porter bombed at QAAWBG while the Stout took first in class, and at QABC the Stout bombed badly and the Porter came good. Too much variability in my bottling I think.
The rules state you must get 60% of the max available score to qualify, so I'm confussed? - not that it takes a lot B)

cheers Ross

Here is the revised rule for the AABA competition in regards to State qualifiers.

D1. Qualification. To qualify for the Australian Amateur Brewing Championship, a brewer
must have placed first, second or third (and scored at least 60% of maximum possible points)
in one of the years State/Territory Qualifying Championships (see D8 for handling tied
placings). Entries must be in the same category/categories as the placing(s) achieved in the
State/Territory Qualifying Championship. If the original beer is no longer available, the
brewer may enter the same or a different style (in that category). The beer style must be a
designated style for the category, as listed on the AABA category/style list available on the
AABA website. The organisers reserve the right to reclassify non-conforming beers (i.e. in a
non-listed style) to a listed AABC style.

So, all entrants in the QABC who placed 1st,2nd or third are entitled to enter the AABC in the category they placed in. A copy of the rules can be found here good luck to all entrants.

Here is the revised rule for the AABA competition in regards to State qualifiers.
So, all entrants in the QABC who placed 1st,2nd or third are entitled to enter the AABC in the category they placed in. A copy of the rules can be found here good luck to all entrants.


Thanks for the clarification Andrew

I received my score sheets today and over all Im pretty happy with the comments and feedback :) Except for the guys who judged category 4, not one word was written by the 3 judges <_<

Well done again Andrew :beerbang:

Cheers :beer:
I had the same problem Jye. Very minimal or no comments on the beers I entered. I don't enter comps to get a certificate to hang on the wall. I do it to better my brewing and get feedback relating to where I'm going right and wrong. If I don't get this, then I won't be entering comps anymore. :angry: It's poor form from the judges, really.

- Snow
On the other end of the scale, the judging comments on mine were pretty good. There wern't oodles of comments, but definitely enough to get some usable feedback.
I've heard that you shouldn't necessarily make changes to the recipe based on one judge, but I found that all three judges had pretty much the same comments, which gives me a better indication of what to improve on.
Overall very happy with judges comments, pretty much reinforced my own opinion re the beers. I find this feedback invaluable in improving my beers.

I also found the feedback generally good. Mostly matched with what I perceived about the beers, with one exception.
With my stout the difference between the first 2 sheets+scores and the third made me wonder if they were judging the same beer. Not just score wise (10 pts difference) but the comments too.
I'm going to have a judge look over them in case I am just interpreting things wrong before I seek any official feedback, and I did still win so I'm not too worried but for feedback / interests sake anyways...