Perth Brewday

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Hi there All,
A big thankyou to Goat, for openeing his brewery to fellow enthusiasts,
and a big thankyou to all the damn good folk I met for the first time yesterday, I was surprised at how openly I was received as a newcomer, was honoured to taste some of your amazing brews and was delighted in the feedback on my beer and tips for the future.
Hopefully next time I will be able to make it for the long haul so to speak,


Thanks for an excellent day,
Sorry you seemed to be the one doing all the brewing and the cooking!!
How is the brew

Sorry to the tree and anyone else if the CO2 display scared you but a number of people had asked to see the setup so I had to bring it. Maybe I can host a brewday and interesting things to do with CO2 day!!

I was glad I brought the portion control glass along to, lotsa big beers!!!

Cheers :party:

It was a horrible brewday! You knew exactly what you were doing at all times, and were so well organised that there were no malfunctions for us to even be able to hang **** on you.

The only thing that went wrong is you ended up with too much bloody beer at the end! And even that isnt really a bad thing. You're a disgrace to shoddy brewers everywhere. :)
Thanks Goat, great day.

Feeling a bit guilty about not pitching in to help but you did seem so organised and in control, you can get me back when its my turn.

Was good to meet everyone again, and again the beer was up to the highest standard.

I'll get the pics up soon
Ok all here are a few pics from Goats brewday first the assembled rabble and offending CO2 source, sinkas turned up later so missed out on this photo
Ahoy my hearties I see a bunch a blaggard brewers on the horizon, Goat & JasonY comparing refractometer readings.

Houston we have liftoff, the NASA burner getting cranked up and at full noise.
Later in the boil the reg got wound out and the gas supply turned down, the people outside came in to the shed and asked "is the boil over" the answer from Goat "NO we just turned the burner down". Well run out of space here next post some more pics. Stay tuned to se why deebee really had a headache this morning (did mrs deebee find you in the end?)

Cheers Aus
10 solid hours sleep. Didn't even wake up for a pis. Must have been all the hard work helping with the cooking and brewing and stuff. thanks Goat, a most enjoyable day, but I dont think I'll buy a March pump.
Sorry seem to be getting the pics mixed up

Ha ha Tony!!!
The offending March pump was involved in the sparge and chilling process but seemed to lose its prime. Maybe it was suffering performance anxiety issues in front of the crowd of discerning brewers?

Goat & Simon comparing their stash!

The chiller being placed on into the kettle, Guest lurker offered to remodel Goats nicely symmetrical immersion chiller into a more random form but somehow the offer seemed to fall on deaf ears

The highly tecknerlogical chilling system, the crate in the middle holds water and gets filled up with ice containers. The offending march pump (out of the shot, bottom left corner) pumps the chilled water up and into the immersion coil and is then returned to the ice filled crate it works well once the pump gets going.

The Big Chill, Goat being the environmentally friendly type has decided to try and save his chilling water to make up for what the rest of us waste (Who said they used 500L per brewday?) Here Asher gets another block of cooling media the freezer

Here is Goat happily screwing the lid on the fermenter, its at this point some wise brewer (less pissed than the rest of us) asks. "What is that big erlenmeyer flask full of brown stuff on the bench for".

Nice bottle collection by the way Goat!!

Stay tuned for more still
Yeast glorious yeast

There was debate on whether to pitch the whole starter or just the settled yeast, Deebee decided he needed another spacer beer so offered to give it a try
Deebee's comment "thats the best starter I have ever tasted" so it had to go in

The big pitch

Nice head

All good fun must come to and end, Goat and his trusty assistant Reuben clean the fermenter before it goes in the freezer to ferment

Thanks very much Goat!
Top work Goat...

Had a good time. Including a Speight of deja vu....
Like the brewery plenty of room for expansion

Had to have a couple of Kolshes when I got home to dilute blood alcohol after so many strong ales.

Asher for now
Looks like I missed out on another great day!

I'll be back from the 17th-28th September, and will have to catch up with a few of you for some beers. If theres any requests for beers to bring, let me know.
Kook. I am planning a Sandgroptoberfest in September so I will tie it in with your visit if you have a day free one weekend. Let me know your availability. Bring a German lager maybe?

That WAS a bloody nice starter. So refreshing after all those Belgians and heady ales.
I'm free on the 17th (I'll be jetlagged though!), 18th, 24th and 26th. The 25th is out though as I have to attend a wedding, my main reason for the two week return. The 26th is a public holiday.
So are there going to be any other WA meets prior to this "sandgroperfest"?


sinkas: captain sensible was talking up a dangerous gathering, doing silly thing with hot rocks, to take place some time in june or july. Otherwise I'm sure we could organise something else.
GL aka Captain Sensible will definitely do a stein beer. But work is looking damn busy in June and July, so it will be squeezed between July and Groptoberfest, or it might be in Summer, or it might even wait untill next winter. So if anyone else is thinking of a winter brewday feel free. Yes, I'm talking to you Big (I can sleep in till 10 am, do 2 20 l batches of beer, and be all cleaned up in time for lunch ) Al.
Big Al (AKA the trash masher...) was contemplating something at his new place i think... He hasn't moved in yet though...

Once ive moved into my house i will organise a brewday, probably late in June/early July.

I can sleep in till 10 am, do 2 20 l batches of beer, and be all cleaned up in time for lunch

Not without Goats Nasa burner!....Under standard levels of intoxication a 7-8 hours double brew day is possible but im not sure with all those belgians and 8-10% beers that i will be at all capable of the double brew day, in fact i might not be capable of brewing at all!

Im thinking of an oktoberfest, to donate a keg for the big day at Deebees Sandgropertoberfest :chug: .
I would be happy to put my hand up for something around July August

As far as double batches go I am going to give partigyling a try so put your thinking caps on please

I haven't had a chance to have a read of this thread for a few days but....

Thanks for coming chaps - I had a great time. Some good photo's there ausdb.

I was kinda hoping that everyone was too pissed to remember the forgetting of the yeast !

Records are fairly sketchy of what is actually in the fermenter, but I believe that there is 28L at 1053. Something odd happened with water quantities and gravity. I suspect that I calculated it on a 2 hour boil not the one that it got. Running that theory through Promash I would hit both target gravity and volume - oops!

Sounds like we have an active few months coming up - can't wait !

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