Pat Kerouac

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Swap Whore
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PPatch - sit rep - still in Gold Coast... Ye Gods! I gave him my sisters name in jest! :ph34r:

He is on the way to WA (Waannn) (Ker) Send him back when you're done. :D

All sightings and late night calls to be logged here.

He called earlier and is drinking beer...OT I know...

post when he sends a message... :chug:

Sorry about the delay to this post. Read on and you'll understand why.

I saw Pat 2 nights ago, and have only just come out of the coma, and regained my mobility enough to post.

Stephen and I shared a number of beers with Pat, including some (possibly heat-affected) Qld case beers, that seemed to have lost some OOMPH since Pat last evaluated them.

We sampled my Berliner from last year's NSW Xmas case swap, and my AABC 3rd prize strong ale, and a number of Stephen's diminishing beer supply.

It was after dawn (about 6:35 AM) when I left to stumble home.

I'm still not sure if it was a good thing to have met Pat, and maybe he feels the same way :lol:
It was, however, educational for all concerned. I just hope that Pat remembers the yeast culture tips for when he gets to WA and decides to start a beer with some of his (esky-fied) "Yeast Swap" cultures.

I wonder if we can now expect a post from...(whose sister was it, again?)

Seth :p
Got an SMS from Pat

He has arrived in Sydney last night. Now he is probably getting ready for his big date with InCiders sister. LOL He said he will get to a computer eventually and update us.



he just sent me a message: - "6am finish with Les and Stephen -agh! Will get to a computer soon and give you an update. Have a big one. Cheers Pat your future brother-in-law!"

Looks like he'll be marrying my sister soon :blink:

I don't want to go off-topic, but...

After everything else he has planned for your sister, he better be proposing marriage.
Glad it's not my sister. :lol: :lol:

Most welcome indeed Seth and it is good to see Pat is spreading the Christmas cheer around. Did you have a peek in the back of Pat's van by any chance? at the swap it looked like the back of a builders garage. I can just imagine all those beers rolling around back there, lucky they got there at all!. Speaking of the beers, you mentioned you had one of my IPAs, there are only 3 of those as I was 3 short with the APA. Glad to hear Pat got an IPA and he managed to condition it properly. Batz had one too so that is one still floating around out there.

Surely a white van van is a lagering companion in QLD. It works for CUB :ph34r:
I don't want to go off-topic, but...

After everything else he has planned for your sister, he better be proposing marriage.
Glad it's not my sister. :lol: :lol:

"Don't mention the War"

And he won't answer his phone...
I'm still not sure if it was a good thing to have met Pat, and maybe he feels the same way :lol:
Seth :p

Personally I found it a delight to meet Les and Stephen though staying on the piss until 5am was a bit of a worry :blink:

And Les, that was a very wanky post you wrote to the consumption thread. I thought we agreed we would do the three tick method for any beer - lol! I am going to bag you there when I get the chance but not you particularly. That night, for me, was proof that you cannot judge one beer immediately after another.


I'm not sure whaqt else I should say here in the Kerouac thread especially as I have no idea what i meqans. i WILL DO MY BEST TOPOST ON OTHER PEOPLE'S COMPUTERS AND NOT COPRRECT WHAT THINGS HAPPENS WHEN i USE OITHER PEOPLE';S KEYBOARDS,

Oh, Pat, you're such a charmer.

and too lazy to correct your posts.

Was that what I agreed to? i thought that the 3 ticks was just for your post. Where is that post, BTW?

I posted what I recalled, although the tasting was certainly not a w@nk.

I'd trust U with my sister, Pat, but she's not interested in guys and she already has a friend.

U need to google "Jack Kerouac" and "On the Road", as well as "The electric Kool-Aid acid test".

Seth's lesson ends :p I'm out~!
Don't worry Pat, we still love you :)

How long are you going to be in Sydney for mate?

Howdy Tim,

Just doing my morning deletions <_< How many things can one person mis-interpret in one night? Plenty!

I reckon I'll stay here until about the 7th so that means we can have a beer. Cool! Next Friday night looks especially good but let me know if you are up for one before.

Les, the three tick method is the only reliable beer judging method for inebriates and I think it should be employed nationally ;)

I have also forgotten all you taught me about beer tasting. I will have to drop by for more lessons.


Now what's the next post I have to delete?......
How many things can one person mis-interpret in one night?

The Answer My Friend, Is Blowin In the Wind (your inspired friend Robert Zimmerman)

As you once said in one of your late night posts, Walking on water wasn't built in a day!
I think I have just recovered enough from last night to post details of my stop-over in Newcastle a week ago.

Pulled in at Stephen's at about 7:00pm and was immediately handed the first of a hundred beers. After a top feed at his girlfriend's house we went back for more drinks where Les joined us. Little did we know that the night would end after daybreak.

Stephen and Les actually know what they are talking about when it comes to beer. I pretended for a while but then gave up and introduced the 3 tick method of judging. We either gave the beer a tick, a cross or a half tick. I think most of the beers got at least 2 ticks so we were drinking top stuff ALL night.

I even had a smell of Les's cheese beer though he warned me not to drink it!

Les and Stephen taught me heaps but the training was so intensive that my memory failed me upon awakening the next day. I'm going to send these guys a few bottles of the BIAB versus batch and see what they come up with. Les, you can write the BJCP stuff (that's the wanky stuff that I don't understand yet!) for the guys here and do the three tick method for me - lol

Sorry I didn't get to see Les or MHB the next day but I was running late by the time I hit the road the next day. I was meant to have a taste of one of Les's award winners which I'm dissapointed about missing out on but I don't think a beer would have gone down too well that morning.

Thanks a heap Stephen for putting me up and letting me help empty your fridge of all your top brews. Bloody good of you. And thanks Les for letting me keep you up until that time when most brewers are heating their mash water.

Oh, and no worries about your sister Les. InCider's already stepped up to the plate ;)

Spot ya and thanks again,
Pat Kerouac

Looks like it's beers with Eric8 and Phrak sometime next week. Uh oh!
Oh, and no worries about your sister Les. InCider's already stepped up to the plate ;)

Spot ya and thanks again,
Pat Kerouac

My Sister said she was going to Griffith with her friends Claire and Gretel...!

Does this mean there is a BIAB notch scratched into the side of your van Pat? :ph34r:


Last brew of the year goes down today! :D
you havent had a drink Pat till you've done a session with Pumpy......and kept up!!!

The man is a machine !!
For God's sake Linz, don't tell him I'm in town. I'm still editing and deleting posts made on AHB after my last session here.

And Sean your sister has just gone to Griffith to get a healthy country glow in her cheeks. She seems to have this natural yearn to look her best before meeting me. Good on her :super:

Off to Phrak's this arvo with Eric8 to sample Phrak's BIABs. Expect a responsible review as I'm driving. This will also save 3 hours of morning edits :wacko:

Happy New Year all,
For God's sake Linz, don't tell him I'm in town. I'm still editing and deleting posts made on AHB after my last session here.

And Sean your sister has just gone to Griffith to get a healthy country glow in her cheeks. She seems to have this natural yearn to look her best before meeting me. Good on her :super:

Off to Phrak's this arvo with Eric8 to sample Phrak's BIABs. Expect a responsible review as I'm driving. This will also save 3 hours of morning edits :wacko:

Happy New Year all,

Maybe Griffith was not far enough away! :blink:
Only two days left in Sydney. Where is InCider's sister :(

Had a great time meeting Eric8 and Phrak on Tuesday. Although Phrak had 3 fermenters going, his hanger-on relatives had drained most of his fermented beer supplies over Xmas so we didn't get to drink any of his BIABs. Instead we had a fresh wort kit which I was really impressed with as well as many quality commercial beers including a 6 year old Coopers Special Ale.

I had designated myself as driver previously (obviously wasn't thinking straight at the time) and so about an hour and a half after the time we said we were meant to leave, I said, 'One more beer and then we're going.' For the first time in my life I was being honest saying these words.

Great to meet you both and thanks a heap Phrak for having us over. I've got the photo for Eric of how to wire up Brissy's temp controller. I might photoshop it a bit before sending. You know, change the wire colours etc, to make the job a little more exciting for him - lol!

Getting sick of waiting around for people's sisters so off to Pearl Beach today and then some huge party tonight back in Sydney. Could be a big day :eek:

Thanks Pat, glad you and Eric enjoyed yourselves :beer: It was great to meet up with you both and thanks for making the effort to come down :)

After you two left on Tuesday night, I started feeling as crook as a dog. I'll spare you the messy details, but two words should suffice - Acute Diarrhoea :blink: And the friggen little bug is still around 5 days later!

I hope the two of you feel ok, and that it wasn't something hanging around in that old bottle of Cooper Special Vintage Ale....

Here's the beers we sampled thanks to Pat and Eric
yes, that's a hydrometer tube in the middle - BIAB Golden Ale sample :chug:

Have a great trip mate!