Over Carbed Mountain Goat Pale

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Hi Guys

Out having dinner to night and was pleased to see that the restruant had a good selection of brew I got the mountain goat pale but the girl was shit scared about pouring it say that every time they do it just gushes thought that it was just bad pouring so i grabbed went a really slow pour and sure enough head every were got a second one and this one climbed out the bottle when it was opened. Has anyone esle had this the owner said that they had been having it happen everytime with them and are talking about taking it off the beer list. I'd hate to see it a micro be replaced with a mega swill brew.
Any idea's what it might be? Served very cold in a cold glasses and been sitting in the fridge for a few weeks
...i had this happen to me a couple o' months ago at home with the same beer...
...i immediately grabbed a Holgate White Ale and the exact same thing happened...i was gonna e-mail both breweries to give 'em a heads up but forgot....
....imagine if you were a wavering VB drinker finally taking that big leap of faith...you'd go running back to your mega habit and never try anything else again....

...both the beers (i didn't get to have) were infected, the Holgate unmistakably so...

....i actually had another Goat pale ale last night and this one wasn't infected.....

....edit....I'm in Canberra, so i'd be surprised if the problem was just a carton or two...
My brother just reported the same thing after drinking a bottle I bought him for his birthday.

He said the taste was good, but it kept frothing in his mouth.

I've drunk lots of great Mountain Goat so these reports are spookier than UFO sightings for me.
i tried my first mountain goat pale ale a couple of weeks ago and was so overcarbed it wasn't funny. must be a bad batch
i tried my first mountain goat pale ale a couple of weeks ago and was so overcarbed it wasn't funny. must be a bad batch

I was there a few weeks back and the boys acknowledged that they did have a small problem with gushing on a few batches. They didn't go into specifics but advised that the cause had been found and the issue addressed.

So here's hoping it's fixed, they've worked too hard for bad publicity.
I bought a 6 pack about 4 weeks ago, drank 2 and gave up (left them at my brother-in-law's house and told him to give them to someone he didn't like). He tried one, had the same thing happen, then brought the last 3 back yesterday and told me they weren't worth keeping.

It's a shame, not the cheapest and normally an awesome brew. Maybe the quality control needs some work?
I had a Mountain Goat Pale Ale on the weekend and also noticed it was quite difficult to pour. Tasted fine though....
You would think they would effect damage control & pull from ther shelves.
The loss from writing off the problem batches may be large, but might pale into insignifcance against loss of sales.

cheers Ross
You would think they would effect damage control & pull from ther shelves.
The loss from writing off the problem batches may be large, but might pale into insignifcance against loss of sales.

cheers Ross

Very true, word of mouth is the best, or in this case, worst form of advertising there is.
The Mountain Goat high tail would definately be my long term favourite over the last few years. Went sking with some mates early Aug and we brought a case, as we normally do each ski trip. Definately infected. Most of it ended up in the sink - which was heartbreaking.

Hopefully they get it sorted quick. A great micro and great beers.
I was there a few weeks back and the boys acknowledged that they did have a small problem with gushing on a few batches. They didn't go into specifics but advised that the cause had been found and the issue addressed.

So here's hoping it's fixed, they've worked too hard for bad publicity.

I put it down to just a simple error somewhere in the line, I will definitely try it again in a couple of months when a new batch is on the shelves. It's probably the non homebrewers who don't understand how easy it is to have a slight error in a brew who will try and never buy again
I got a 6 pack recently. All the carbonation was fine, but 1 of the 6 tasted very very funky - almost like it had an infection, the other 5 were fine and tasty as though.
I noticed the same problem with some Holgate beers (old pale ale and White ale) earlier in the year, I like their beers a lot, but I've had to stop buying them as I can't afford to pour beer down the sink.

Has anyone else noticed that a few micro brews are producing beers that don't seem to have fermented at all?
I picked up a 6 pack of beechworth pale ale a while ago and it was totally flat and tasted like un fermented wort.
What is going on with Microbreweries?
I want to support them, but if they sell me unfermented and infected beers I start to wonder why I bother
Has anyone thought about taking the beer back to the retailer. It frustrates me that people seem to be just pouring good money down the sink :angry: Its seems Mountain Goat have acknowledged the fact they had a problem. So just take it back. As Ross stated one would have thought they would have taken it off the shelf!! They are probally resting on their reputation and think what the heck.

^^^ Exactly, why not take it back to the retailer?
probably because i was half pissed by the time i cracked the mountain goats! lol

A method that can be employed so they're not sink jobs is to pour them carefully into a glass, then give a good swirl till they froth a big head up, wait and let the head die off, then do it again and by that stage it should've knocked enough co2 out of solution and the beer will be at a nice level of carbonation
Would a retailer really go for it if you brought back a half empty beer "hey this tastes like crap, so im guessing the rest of this case does as well, give me my money back"

I'm sure the clerk there probably wouldnt have a clue about an infection or over carbing in bottles. It never seems to happen to carlton draught now does it? it must just be what that weird other drink you bought tastes like. tough.

edit: while were taking back sub par brews, I wish I couldve taken back every light struck beer in a clear/green bottle ive ever bought
Would a retailer really go for it if you brought back a half empty beer "hey this tastes like crap, so im guessing the rest of this case does as well, give me my money back"

Any half decent retailer would. I've taken many a wine back that's corked. If you've opened at least 2 of the bottles & they're off, I don't think you'd have any problem. Same for light struck.

cheers Ross
I've taken off bottles of beer back to the retailer with no problems with an exchange, they even said they prefer you leave the off beer in the bottle when returning.
I know that with the cold weather this winter those micros who normally would just put the beers for bottle conditioning into the warehouse were having problems getting sufficient carbonation in the beers, although you'd hope there was some kind of quality control before they leave the brewery !
Any half decent retailer would. I've taken many a wine back that's corked. If you've opened at least 2 of the bottles & they're off, I don't think you'd have any problem. Same for light struck.

cheers Ross

...and it is only by people reporting issues to retailers and brewers that they will know the extent of the issue. So not taking stuff back with a decent reason helps no-one (especially you - the customer - as you will always get at least the beer volume you returned back again).