I'll try not to miss any.
The whole table is mountain ash. The bench is mountain ash and mesmate.
The boards on top of the table are 215mm x 19mm, the boards on the bench are 150mm x 25 I think.
Will be plenty of beer photos in the what's in the glass thread.
All of the timber was from urban salvage in spotswood.
I used feast Watson outdoor furniture clear oil (Bunnings) to treat it. Little bit more work long term but that's the look in after and I've spent this long on it anyway.
Cost was about $1800 which included some new tools, new ryobi drop saw was definitely worth the money.
No woodworking classes, but after I made my keezer I took abit of confidence away from that. All square edges, the set square doesn't lie to you.
I wanted big so that I could sit my family plus swmbo's if we had a BBQ. Should seat 16.
YouTube and Internet is your friend, after all where did you learnt to brew
Thanks for the compliments
The original inspiration came from a table I saw at a cafe in North Melbourne. And the start of the plans came from Ana White rustic farmhouse table plan. But they got changed a fair bit.
Due to the length I had to over engineer it a fair bit. I was really worried about it sagging in the middle and wobbling also.
There is a cue for orders and I don't have that much spare time in the next two years hahaha