If melb brew clubs were to get together a submission to the organising committee, which could include things they'd like to see e.g. more international brewers, more small breweries, less megaswill, less morons etc. I'm sure they would at least listen.
To clinch the deal though they would have to come up with some ideas for maximising profits. The presence of CUB (the evil empire) and the megaswill-drinking morons has only come about due the amount of revenue they each provide.
Alternatively, and here is the real plus, an amalgamation of melb brew clubs and like-minded sponsers may choose to hold their own Octoberfest. Remember that these things always start off on a small scale, 100+ visitors for the day/arvo would be considered a roaring success. Also the present Oct'fest committee appear to be running out of steam. Holding over the event for some minor reason speaks for itself.
The term Octoberfest is generic so there would be no legal trouble there. That only leaves CUB. Would the evil empire allow such an event to flourish? Personally I would get involved purely because I enjoy "kicking against the pricks", to quote the bible.