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There are many things LIKE making BEER that I can do better then you. I'm financially independent and look after myself and child. If it makes you feel better about yourself go for it!

How on earth do you know that you make better beer than me ? What a retarded thing to say.
And I'm quite well off, so I could probably buy you AND your child should I choose to do so. So bravo for being a woman who can keep her head just above the poverty line, but it fails to impress me, baby.

This is getting very exciting. Not long to go now.
The traditional attire of a stockman or grazier is a felt Akubra hat; a double flapped, two pocket (for stock notebooks) cotton shirt; a plaited kangaroo skin belt carrying a stockman's pocket knife in a pouch;

sport - a young bloke.

could be about the stockman which would make more sense.

First result from Google... just checked that I wasn't mistaken. The song is about a dying stockman giving instructions to his mates on what to do with his stuff - tie his kangaroo down, keep his cockatoo cool, and let his abos go loose. How considerate.
I'll just need to ensure you're paying close attention, Qu-Bert
Paying plenty of attention, and eagerly awaiting .

Oh, and if we're doing nicknames, I'll go with Ren-deredincapableofmakingaseriousargumentohnohedidnt
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How on earth do you know that you make better beer than me ? What a retarded thing to say.
And I'm quite well off, so I could probably buy you AND your child should I choose to do so. So bravo for being a woman who can keep her head just above the poverty line, but it fails to impress me, baby.

This is getting very exciting. Not long to go now.

I know I can make beer better then you. It's a FACT!

The rest I will ignore.
You're very clever, Qu-Bert. But you already knew that.

Hahaha, listen to the rattle on the winds from WA. How on earth you got hold of my beers is beyond me. It was CM2 who shared the samples I gave him, wasn't it ? I know you two are lovers, but I didn't think he would put ho's before bro's.
You're very clever, Qu-Bert. But you already knew that.

Hahaha, listen to the rattle on the winds from WA. How on earth you got hold of my beers is beyond me. It was CM2 who shared the samples I gave him, wasn't it ? I know you two are lovers, but I didn't think he would put ho's before bro's.

I had no idea you and and CM2 were/are bro's. I feel it in my water's .....
Oh yea, we're heaps close. :lol:

And you 'feel it in your waters'? WTF, are you pregnant for the 15th time this year ?
Oh gee, I leave for one hour to pump my guns and there's a 3-way happening not involving me.

First result from Google... just checked that I wasn't mistaken. The song is about a dying stockman giving instructions to his mates on what to do with his stuff - tie his kangaroo down, keep his cockatoo cool, and let his abos go loose. How considerate.
i couldnt get that link to work.
dont you love that they leave the abo's verse out now. ahh political correctness. where would we be without you?
Yea sorry mate. I took someone's typo post quite literally when it spoke about crabonation.
Some fat ranga girl is staring at me on the train. I think she wants to eat me.
Some fat ranga girl is staring at me on the train. I think she wants to eat me.

Oh NO ! You should be wearing a broomstick across your shoulders.

God damn lady and gents. Leave you kids to play for an hour and look what happens! <_< :angry: And I missed it :(

Some fat ranga girl is staring at me on the train. I think she wants to eat me.

Or your wee wittle weener? :lol: