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I'll be bringing the last few litres in the keg of Weizenbock for your new found BJCP scrutineering.
has anyone worked out a cost for a cube yet im guessing its the same as usual....
has anyone worked out a cost for a cube yet im guessing its the same as usual....

still working on final numbers, but yeah looking like the usual $12 - 15

Luke bring your boss & get him to bring a few brews like stu suggests
ive got a kg of pale crystal if you need it
has anyone worked out a cost for a cube yet im guessing its the same as usual....

Philip and I have worked on the spreadsheet (ok it was Philip really ;) ) and the cost should be around the $11.50 a cube. All cubes now gone. All cubes 15L (if you have a bigger cube then you'll get 15L anyway :p ). More exact costs closer to the time. :lol:

Barls, should have the crystal sorted now. Thanks anyway.

What time are we thinking of starting, Phil?
Actually there is still a spare cube - i just put my name to it to get the spreadsheet working - honest :icon_cheers: but if no one wants it i'll retain rights B)

I'm thinking about kicking off about 11.

I'll get water on before that so we just have to crush, drink, mash, drink, sparge, drink, boil, drink, hop, drink, hop, drink, whirlpool, drink, cube, drink, clean up, drink, collapse :icon_drunk:

Anything else we need to do?

PS, ya gotta love Stu's democracy in action " All cubes 15L (if you have a bigger cube then you'll get 15L anyway ). "
Hmm.. guess I'll have to ferment something from a small cube then.. currently all my cubes are full?
You say ' Spare Cube" ?
Can i get my name on it?
I Would love to take a cube home i havent tried a 100x before !
Cya about 12ish,
Cheers guys
You say ' Spare Cube" ?
Can i get my name on it?
I Would love to take a cube home i havent tried a 100x before !
Cya about 12ish,
Cheers guys

Gary, Bring an empty cube & about $12 and its yours.

Not sure what you mean re "100x", maybe you got this rogers clone confused with the RIS I was telling you that Stuster & I did.

CU then.
Rippa Crozdog !
Cya then 4 sure.

The ' 100x before' was in reference to me brewing the EzyBrew Fresh Wort at least 100x recently ' !!!

Hey guys

I'm still alive and kicking round - i would come over that day but i'm busy up at Ourimbah riding my bike and eating steak off the bbq :)

Anyway, have a good day, i'll have a beer or two for you so i'll be there in spirit. If you're still kicking around later in the arvo i might drop in if i get back early enough.

Oh yeah, and if you need any bits and pieces of hops or grain just let me know - Phil did you still want the Whirfloc as well, there is heaps of it there.

Might do a batch tonight just to break the brewing drought - and other good news is my hop vines are now 15cm tall each, which is pretty good, i actually ended up with 2 columbus rhizomes, one of which didn't fire, but the other is going nuts.
Welcome back, Ben. Great that you are brewing. :D

It looks like we've got the grains and hops sorted out thanks. (Gerard??? :rolleyes: )

Hopefully you'll be able to drop by on Saturday, but if not then hope you can make the next meet. :party:
Hey guys

I'm still alive and kicking round - i would come over that day but i'm busy up at Ourimbah riding my bike and eating steak off the bbq :)

Anyway, have a good day, i'll have a beer or two for you so i'll be there in spirit. If you're still kicking around later in the arvo i might drop in if i get back early enough.

Oh yeah, and if you need any bits and pieces of hops or grain just let me know - Phil did you still want the Whirfloc as well, there is heaps of it there.

Might do a batch tonight just to break the brewing drought - and other good news is my hop vines are now 15cm tall each, which is pretty good, i actually ended up with 2 columbus rhizomes, one of which didn't fire, but the other is going nuts.

good to hear from you Ben, will miss you on the day but drop in in the arvo if you can. Yeah I still want some whirlfloc - will give you a call to arrange something.

Can we make kickoff 11:30 on Saturday?? I have dad duties to perform prior & should be home about them.


Can we make kickoff 11:30 on Saturday?? I have dad duties to perform prior & should be home about them.


Perfect. Now all we need is the grain. Gerard! :angry: :D
get him to drop it off at my place if it helps im not far from his place. do i need to bring that crystal that i have
or I could grab it off him on wednesday or thursday, I'm out that way during work