New Forum Revamp

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Awful Ale Apprentice
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Not sure I like the new forum layout maybe I am just comfortable with the old style.

Cannot delete post now I see there is a topic and thread running.
It is probably a good idea to have a discussion thread anyway and leave the other one for actual behaviour issues.

I don't mind the new layout, myself. I do find it wastes a lot more space than I like but I do like the modern, uncluttered look.
people will have to remember this a total new experience for what some are use to.once things get settled down and the bugs are sorted out it will work fine
Yep it is a very new experience. Its completely different. I'm not to fussed either with the old or new. Was there a specific reason for the change?
Certain improvements to the Recipe DB and other forum functionality could not be made without upgrading the entire forum software.
I better go have a look at the new recipe DB then. To be honest, the more I'm using the new forum the more I'm liking it.

ed - Looks I cant until the recipe DB is reactivated!
The announcement at the top of every page (and the similar announcements for the last week) explains about the DB being offline for the time being.
loving the new forum layout, particularly on the bb
If you had just joined the forum it would all be new and you would find your way, ask noob questions and away you go.

Having been members for a while, our investment in learning how it works has just been turned on its head. We have to explore again, change our perspective, become noob. In a week or so we won't remember the old one.
yup....been away for a while, come back for a few days, and then THIS!!.......whoa...
Just checked out my profile and found a section called "warnings"
Warning issued by *************** for Other in Unknown.
Given 1 points.
Ability to create content removed permanently.
Suspended permanently

Can you guys see that or is it only for the user to see their own?
All admin and mods can see it but other than that no one can (unless they read this thread).

What did you do to cop that?! Mine are mostly me being asked not to swear quite so much.
I'm loving the "preview this topic" arrow in the topic list. Makes it easy to skim the threads. I also like that you can identify when a PM is read.
and love the embedded videos.....
Bum is correct, Mods can see the warning points under your username - but everyone has this line, its just that most have '0 warning points'.

Warning points were carried over from the old AHB layout - so its from a previous misdemenour.

Any warning given my a Mod would have been accompanied with a reason via PM.
re OP - yeah its certainly different from the old AHB.

Noting also we humans don't cope well with change!

I'm still learning on this layout too,
raven19 said:
Any warning given my a Mod would have been accompanied with a reason via PM.
Clicking on the warning notification under your name will also expose access to the original mod's message. Ben_sa obviously knows this already (as he seems to have c&p it) - just posting for the interest of any other naughty boys or girls.
peas_and_corn said:
It looks so... stock.
Stock is available to us if you wanna have a click down the very bottom of any page. Less wasted space but is way ugly.

Happy to see you're not dead or something, p&c.
Is the notification of how many people there are in the chat shitting anyone else?
Or getting a notification everytime someone 'likes' what you post?