New Comp Idea

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The Dean WA
This has been moved from Extract hops in comp beer thread.

"Andrews quote" [Like, sponsoring a comp is nothing like running one. Do you actually plan to organise and run this competition yourself GB or are you only looking to sponsor it and give input to it's conception?
Speaking from experience I can tell you the first thing you need to do is get several other like minded individuals that live reasonably close to you and sit down and nominate rolls for each person, then have a brainstorm session to nut out how you want this competition to run.
Asking questions and getting ideas here is great too, but you will be the one running the comp so it all boils down to you in the end, that's why you need a committee as such to relegate responsabilties to so you don't get bogged down.

Good luck and I hope the idea takes off, the more classy competitions we have the better for the brewing community it is.

Andrew ]

I would looking at both sponsoring and putting this thing together ( not alone I hope).Yes I do need like mined people because its a big job and my time is in big demand around here.I know a few Pro brewers that would act as judges so that makes it a lot easier.I think to start it will have to limited to a few styles just so we can handle the comp.I would imagine that this will not be ready until spring next year which is probably good as this will give brewers the cooler months to ferment in.Any input is appreciated.
Cheers GB