Hi guys just wondering if you can let me know what you think about the brew I put on a couple of days ago.
Aiming for a nice weizen, something along the lines of weihenstephaner.
Was going to put on an APA but they didnt have the right yeast, so weizen it is.
3kg Coopers Liquid Wheat Extract
400g Hoepfner Wheat Malt
100g Barley
Hallertau at 20IBU
Wyeast 3068 Weihenstephaner.
I was pleased when I opened up the yeast packet, it smelt just like the beer Im trying to create. It dropped from 1.055 to 1.035 in 24 hours and tastes ok in the fermenter. I steeped the grains for about 30 mins, then added the liquid to the rest of the boil for a further 45 mins.
Aiming for a nice weizen, something along the lines of weihenstephaner.
Was going to put on an APA but they didnt have the right yeast, so weizen it is.
3kg Coopers Liquid Wheat Extract
400g Hoepfner Wheat Malt
100g Barley
Hallertau at 20IBU
Wyeast 3068 Weihenstephaner.
I was pleased when I opened up the yeast packet, it smelt just like the beer Im trying to create. It dropped from 1.055 to 1.035 in 24 hours and tastes ok in the fermenter. I steeped the grains for about 30 mins, then added the liquid to the rest of the boil for a further 45 mins.