Miracle? No, Piss-syd Pics!

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Well, they're only 8? 9? months late, but here are my best pics (finally scanned) from my little trip to Sydney in April this year. I'll spare the harbour bridge and opera house ****, these are the BEER pics!

Kettle / Lauter tun control panel at Malt Shovel Brewery
Leon's (from ESB) brew sculpture
Rolling boil (ESB Store mash demo)
Sparging with Phils sparger (ESB Store mash demo)
Close up of a kettle at Malt Shovel Brewery
Malt Shovel Brewery (sign outside)
Table with grains (Malt Shovel Brewery)
1 Ton of pale grain (Malt Shovel Brewery)
Another kettle pic from Malt Shovel Brewery
My favourite - Us tasting fresh MSB Pils straight from the tanks!
Nags Head bar (with real ale keg)
Lord Nelson (inside)
Bad shot of Lord Nelsons brewery
Lord Nelson (outside)
Lord Nelson (sign) - I think I liked this pub a lot.
Outside Scharers (George IV Inn) - Picton
Plaque at Scharers
Scharers little brewery
Bad shot of the Hero of Waterloo

And finally!!

Us ugly lot!

From left to right:
kook, Jovial Monk, Doc, Wasabi, *insert name here*, *insert name here*, Linz.

There were more photos, but most of them turned out worse than these! I'm really crap at taking photos :) Never thought it could be that hard.

ps - Appologies to those two whose nick/handle I cannot remember :) If you PM me or post saying "Hey! thats me you *******" I'll edit the post adding your name.
well done kook.
and dont forget to take ya dig along to the next perth brewers gathering as i will not be there.will be up the top end working.

big d
Finally Kook. Well done.

I love this one as it is my hand holding the glass.

Nothing like drinking fresh Pilsner straight from the bright tank.

They're great photos kook. It was a top weekend....considering no phone numbers were exchanged!!...I'll do that next time
Just to bring this to the top again for Batz. A 3 day event
Bugger the photos are gone........................

Do we have the availability to store these on here..in the gallery???
Guys I'll be adding a gallery soon.
Talk about a quick turn around!!!

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Access it via the link above or via the top Nav Menu.

Enjoy! :chug:

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