Hi ya all
Ok so i punched a stout recipie into promash - its a small batch with plenty of black patent and choc but promash rekons that the dark grains are adding sugars or at least upping the OG. i though these malts had no sugar and only contribute flavour and colour, the starch is burnt away as i understood it - whats this all about :blink:
oh and also do i just chuck all the dark grains in with the rest at the beggining of the mash or a bit later
Ok so i punched a stout recipie into promash - its a small batch with plenty of black patent and choc but promash rekons that the dark grains are adding sugars or at least upping the OG. i though these malts had no sugar and only contribute flavour and colour, the starch is burnt away as i understood it - whats this all about :blink:
oh and also do i just chuck all the dark grains in with the rest at the beggining of the mash or a bit later