mash master mini for the win.....probably

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After much reading and hard thought I'm settling in on the mash master mini. It seems the most reputable. The combination of geared and ss rollers have just about sealed the deal. I would have liked a 3rd roller but there don't seem any using more than one powered roller? Obviously this system works but I like a bit of over engineering when it doesn't muddy the waters.
Another big selling point is I'll be able to collect it in person saving any transport cost or issues.
However it doesn't have 2 inch rollers or 3 of them will I regret this shortfall, or am I over analysing?
I really love this mill but... I've just come from using a converted pasta roller so anything would seem great after spending 20 mins cranking that ******* per 20l batch
It's a mill that will keep a homebrewer satisfied for many years to come. 2 inch rollers and 3 roller setups are great, but there is not a huge amount in it for a homebrewer. IMHO put the extra $ into a decent motor setup that can maintain a constant speed. For the record I use a mm2 and love it, but if I was buying one today I would pick the mash master mini.

I do know of a mill coming up for sale soon. I think it has either 3.5 or 4 inch rollers from memory.

This is the crush of my mm2, set to 0.9mm with a motor. Some may argue a slightly courser crush so as not to rip apart the husks as much would be better. I hit 85% pre-boill eff on both my 1V and 3V systems with this, without ever getting a stuck mash.
Thanks guys. Hey BD just out of interest what's this mill you speak of?
BD? Was that meant to be me?
If so, I'll find out some more info for you
QldKev said:
BD? Was that meant to be me?
If so, I'll find out some more info for you
Sorry Qldkev I'm pretty new to this particular forum and posting from my phone.I read brew dude as you handle (abbreviated to bd). More info would be great,cheers.

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