Marks Home Brew vs BrewMate OG Contribution calcs

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Well-Known Member
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Newcastle, Australia
Sorry if I am missing something really obvious, I have only just gotten started on AG.

Marks Brewbuilder lists the OG contribution much differently to brewmate, I can't see how to convert between the two. I like using brewmate on brewday and to keep notes etc so would like to be able to convert between them.

Any help would be much appreciated.

BTW - Apologies for the typo in the Title
Both assume different gear/methods/efficiencies/etc (or BrewMate reflects yours more accurately if you've set it up right). The numbers are going to be different.

Mark is very switched on. I'm sure he describes the assumptions the figures are based on somewhere - or will tell you if you ask.
Im sure Mark will be best able to answer your question. He is a very knowlagable brewer.

I find i need to touch up the OG contribution of different grains in Promash (yes i have stuck with it even though i need an XP mode VM to run it properly) up or down to suit my system.

Some will yeild more and some will yield less and this will change from brewer to brewer depending on their mash system, water, grist........... the list goes on.

In the end what you need to do is get the ingredients set by one of the calc systems, and when you brew, calculate the difference. Then factor this error (the difference between the calcs default values and your brewing systems result) next time you do an order.

I more meant the measurement not the different measures of the same grain. Ie Marks measurement is OG contribution for example 0.00364 for pale crystal malt at 7.2% of the extract. Whereas brewmate lists the potential extract for pale crystal of 1.034.

Maybe I should just ask Mark how he works it out as you said bum.
I can edit the extract potential in Brewmate but just need to convert it from Marks Brew Builder. I trust Marks measurements as he updates with each batch of grain etc

It isn't a big deal so I'll just check with Mark. Probably the last thing I need to focus on this early on!

Thanks fellas
Oh, sorry. Misunderstood or assumed or something.

If he adjusts his figures that regularly then just adjust those found in BrewMate to match. The ones in BrewMate will be whatever data RandyRob had available at the time and won't often exatly reflect what you can buy right at the minute. Sounds like you're on to it already.

I can't look at how Mark has things set up as I am not a member but there are many converters available for homebrew measurements online. If you google the two measurement types plus "converter" you'll almost certainly find something. Failing that put up some example values and someone will help out for sure. Not me though since it involves numbers. Yuck.
Ok...... just had a play in Promash.

My system has pale crystal listed with a potential extract figure of 1.034 which gives me 1.003 gravity contribution to a 1.050 beer at 7.2%.

Id say both figures are the same, just a different way of looking at it.
How to calculate it......... not sure......... its why i paid $20 for promash.

Do you really need to know to make good beer if your just starting out?

not really but it wont hurt to learn later on :)
So promash gives you both? might be worth looking in to.

and you are right it doesn't really matter being early on in my brewing but I'd like to at least know the recipe is right so I know how efficient I am etc etc.

i'll think about this some more over a beer...

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