here's my current basket on the left, and the malt pipe on the right, you can see from the close up pic how the slits were to start with, The holes were about 7.5% of the area.
Then to help drainage I bent every other one down, to give about a 1.5mm gap.
I'm still not fully happy with drainage.
I filled the tank with 60L of hot tap water (55*C), and then filled it with the spent grain.
I lifted the malt pipe, and it seemed to drain ok, then I dropped it back down to give it a second go, this time the drainage seem much worse.
Not too sure why that was....
When it had fully drained, I drained off some of the trial wort, to check for particles.
It didn't seem too bad.
When I finished draining the tank, there was some fine stuff left over, but not really enough to worry about.