Male Get Together

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Hey muscly arms!!!!
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Male get together for drinking the xmas in July cases is on this Saturday at my place. Starts at 2PM.

PM me for my address

Just add your name to the list. Partners and kids are welcome (Just let me know)

So far we have


I am assuming Saturday is still OK for you Linz? (Cough) :D

Kabooby :)
Works for me...and I'll be dragged along by Little Squares....
So how did it go gents?
I was wishing I was there!
You've got a good catch there Linz, while Mel was "dragging you along" to the tasting session, my missus was dragging me around the city looking for wedding reception venues!!

I'll be keen to hear when the next session is on
So how did it go gents?
I was wishing I was there!
You've got a good catch there Linz, while Mel was "dragging you along" to the tasting session, my missus was dragging me around the city looking for wedding reception venues!!

I'll be keen to hear when the next session is on

:lol: ever since we have been (well she has mostly been) planning and organizing stuff for our wedding im having troubles keeping my beer fridge full. Geezus its stressfull and expensive to arrange all the things to go with it.
I know how ya feel mate. :beer:

cheers kingy

p.s stocks are back up now as ive been tramping the last two weekends in a row.
It was a great night

Got through all the bottles and a few jugs of my Porter and Belgian Dubbell :beerbang:

There is talk of the next one at Pumpy's around the 15th of September, so keep an eye out

Here are some photos

Kabooby :)
I know Pumpy has put his hand up for the next one, but Ive asked him to confirm on here when He's start racking up the brownie points!!
It was a great night

Got through all the bottles and a few jugs of my Porter and Belgian Dubbell :beerbang:

There is talk of the next one at Pumpy's around the 15th of September, so keep an eye out

Here are some photos

Kabooby :)

Yep this Saturday 15th September 2-7 anyone wishes to come pm for the address
Linz is doing his Christmas case heaps of food and good beer .

Pumpy :)
After a few samplers at pumpys tonight I cant wait

I will be there after 3:00pm
Ok Pumpy
I'l be there.

Will PM you numbers of people a soon as I know.

Just after 3 is good for me.

Mell and I will be there too

What was left of the case is already at Pumpys
Ill be there. I will bring the remaining bottles from my case as well

Kabooby :)
A big thanks to the 'Pumpy' residence and residents for allowing us
to run a muck in their space.
Another fine spread of food laid out and extremely fine beers to sample.
Great to finally meet 'the swede' and swedeettes...

Whats for the Nov meet??
A big thanks to Pumpy for his hospitality as the boys ran amuck.
It was great to meet up with Linz and Franko as well.
Will be in touch.
The slurring Schweede

Thanks again Pumpy& Co,
Its always a honor getting round to sample your beers mate.

PS Looks like we've found our new yeast man good to have finally met you Matti

You work on that brewery sign and i'll work on that you know what.
Yeastie beasties.
Mans best friend
Sounds good ...its been a while..