[**** !!!!!!! ] Keg System

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:blink: :blink: Now I have a keg system ,but I do like this one ! :blink: :blink:


A keg system complete with a good looking BEER BITCH.

Where do i sign up...trade mine in for one of them.

She even looks like she gives service with a smile.... :rolleyes:
Nice Pilsner Urquell kegs, and the ones on the right aren't bad either :p
Beer me.

So GMK....how come my keg system I got off you didn't come with one of those????

me likey alot
i wondered where the wife got to recently. now i know
big d

if i start selling those with the taps... i think i may be able to retire :)
i have been looking for some decent set of jugs so i can serve out of my keg system :rolleyes:
Hey Doc , those pictures would make a great AHB 2005 calendar.
Bet that cost a lot more than a few bags of grain to keep happy

Looks like resurrecting an old thread that was about before the code of conduct has cause some grief.
I've amended the title of the thread, so if you are at work you won't be reading this B) If not enjoy :p

dont apologize doc.
**** happens.if this keeps up then this site will be doomed. :lol:
personally if your allowed to access ahb at work then they(boss,company) cant complain about what comes up on ahb from time to time.
if your worried or offended by what this site may show when at work then STAY OFF THIS SITE till you get home.

hope i havent offended the moral do gooders <_<
if so then tough luck.get a life and drink real beer ;) :lol:

big d
oh no... ******* on the web......... who would have thought!?!?

ctrl+v ... ctrl+p .... :unsure:
That particular lady scored me a warning on brewboard. To this day I was sure her nipples were cut from the avatar (not with smilies either).

I got the picture originally from ahb so somewhere in here is the "keg and two jugs" lady sans the smileys.

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