Jan Isb Meeting

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causer of chaos and mayhem
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ok guys whos up for a jan meeting or shall we just make it feb.
id be happy to host it again if necessary.
whats eveyones thoughts
not fussed about a brewday thou an ipa would be nice :)
i was thinking a wheat that way everyone could do something different with it
Keep Sunday Jan 20th free for an afternoon session. Will post more info on Monday arvo
I'm up for any drinking related meets. Surprised? :lol:

Brewing. I'm fine either way. A wheat's ok with me, or maybe an APA. :D

Edit: January 20th locked in. :beer:
the 20th sounds alright to me as well at this stage
I'm up for a meet & drink.

It's now monday arvo Gerard, spill the beans

Keep Sunday Jan 20th free for an afternoon session. Will post more info on Monday arvo
as tempting as it is , i just cant justtify the nine hour drive to be there this time guys ...
Perhaps Feb might be better. Another BBQ perhaps?
yeah im good for feb at this stage till i get back to work and find out whats happening
yeah we should sort something for feb. Suggestions?

The bjcp exam is on Sunday with drinks at the Nags in Glebe is also on this Sunday from 2. Next weekend is the long weekend
im up to host a bbq at my place so long as im here and my parter doesnt object to having 4 blokes drinking beer out the back again
yeah we should sort something for feb. Suggestions?

There's this guy who has some nifty brewing equipment for making big batches. Maybe we could ask him about holding the day at his house. ;) :party:
sounds good especially as i just lost the last one to an infection just today. how did you go with that braggot you were going to do stu
And Ben (DJR) has gone to Tassie

'fraid so! Got down here on the weekend and just waiting for stuff to turn up so i can do my first brew down here (still have to buy grain etc). My new place is about 3 blocks from Cascade Brewery so i'm in good company ;)
I came back from Japan last week to find some sealed wort I had been keeping for the last 9 months suddenly decided to spontaneously ferment and split a seam. The mottled effect on the carpet is quite something to see and smell. I think the stanley knife will have to come out to do some renovations.
thats what u have balcony's & garages for :) 9 mths ??? hope it wasnt the isb belgian !