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Hey Luke, I know the feeling thats why I posted that smiley, however Sundays are sacred as far as that couplesy stuff goes Comfort_Emoticon_1_.gif

I'd always rather be food_smiley_022_1_.gif

However I think the fact that my car was blocking your driveway and some knucklehead was beeping his horn had something to do with the speed of my movements
Well it looks like saturdays might become my non brew days and sunday is going to become my day or worship in the brewery.
Am I the cause of all this........ :(

You should all be at Church anyway....... :blink:
My church has 3 tiers Gav :) My sabbath day is flexible - sat & / or sun :)
My church has 3 tiers Gav :) My sabbath day is flexible - sat & / or sun :)

:party: <--------- And these two are singing the hymns!!!! Gold mate Gold!!!

And no Neddy, she's actually been backing off on a lot of that stuff, we still worship at the Church of the Holy Sherrin though!!!!!
I can't make the 3rd, if it is going to be on on that date i'll pass some beers for tasting to Stuart (i know he didn't want to miss out on my Wee Heavy and Golden Strong, which is already done+dusted)
Seeings I've got sweet FA of any of my own brews to bring, I'll put the call out for any suggestions for any weird and wonderful commercial brews anyone would like to sample and I'll pick a couple up to bring along.

BTW, For those that wanted Hop Rhizome's our orders have gone in. They'll be invoiced closer to delivery time (sometime in July) and we should have them in around the same time.
Seeings I've got sweet FA of any of my own brews to bring, I'll put the call out for any suggestions for any weird and wonderful commercial brews anyone would like to sample and I'll pick a couple up to bring along.

How about some Stones Arrogant ******* :)
How about a Duvel since that's what we made (more or less) last meet. And then just the next 9 things that take your fancy in the imported/micro beer aisle. :lol:
I know its hard to get hold of, you obviously saw my attempts.
Always worth trying! You might have had a mate on his way back from the US or something....

Should have said "locally available" :)
Should be able to make the 3rd.

I am always a few brews behind, but I might finally have something worth drinking to present this time. Added 6 litres of dark DME to the 15 litres of I had of the Golden Ale (remember? - Christmas meet) to help expand volume and lift the OG a bit more. Added 1/2 oz of Kent Goldings for flavour and a little for aroma. I misjudged the weather and fermented with Ben's 00/036 mixed strain yeast at 22-24 degrees C. However, it came out very clean and is something like a flavoursome bitter, or almost a red beer.

I need to ferment the Tripel next. Any suggestions for yeast that no one has done yet?
For a different Belgian you could try WLP530/3787. For something different, how about a kolsch yeast?
Kolsch might not have enough alcohol tolerance

I'd go some S33 or T58 for something different - would be interesting to see how the dry strains go on a Tripel

Whatever really - just not Duvel or Scottish yeast i think because that's what's been used so far?
For a different Belgian you could try WLP530/3787. For something different, how about a kolsch yeast?

That would be interesting - what flavour do you think the Kolsch would add? I am leaning towards a belgian, and will add some demerara sugar.
You could be right, Ben, though if there was a yeast cake of it I'd guess it'd get through it. I was thinking it might produce something like an Imperial Kolsch. Clean, slightly toasted malt from the Vienna, Kolsch yeast notes. Anyway, I think a Belgian is best. 530 is the classic Tripel yeast so that would give us an alternative version. There's already nearly 15% sugar in there, so be careful about adding much more.
Didn't realise there was already sugar in it. Does anyone out there have some 530 dregs I can culture up? Otherwise I will put my order in now for some.
will check the fridge downstairs shortly for some 530 i dont think there is any but ya never know ....
hey guys ok so whos in for sunday im all good with work now and ive got a bottle of murrays in the fridge waiting