How Many Brews Has Your Fermenter Done?

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After 4 or so years and 80+ brews I took the plunge and replaced my trusty old fermenter today. It was going a bit chalky on the inside and I though it was about time to replace it.
So how often do you replace yours?

After 4 or so years and 80+ brews I took the plunge and replaced my trusty old fermenter today. It was going a bit chalky on the inside and I though it was about time to replace it.
So how often do you replace yours?


Only 80?
As long as the air lock keeps bubbling, never!
I've brewed fuckloads in my fermenters. No idea. Lots and lots.

Replaced one after a nasty infection a couple years ago, but boiled caustic in a couple others that held the infected beers in secondary as a precaution and they're still going strong. Chalkiness would make me replace them, but mine are still slick and smooth on the inside.
I keep using them until I break them or the kids break them. Glass carboys. I still have the first one I bought - 1996. ;)
I got mine 2nd hand. My mate probably did at least 40 and Ive done about 20 with not problems, no infection. I wash with a little bottle wash powder and a soft scourer, rinse well and spay with Idophor. It's a red lid bucket type. No chalking at all after at least 8 years.
I've got three but one will go if I can't get the smell out!
The fermenter is about 7 years old and I'd guess it's had +60 brews guesstimately
Leave it in the sun for a day or 2 Matti it may come good....
hundreds.....I was just thinking the same today SJW as I was cleaning 2 of mine out. They are now stained light brown from pouring hot wort in to no chill in them. The only area of concern I can see is the tap area. They're getting a bit crusty even though I toothbrush and hit then with boiling water. One day I'll replace them but not at the moment.
Five years, 500 brews.
At the moment, 11 fermenters. Only because I picked up a few extras buying out a guy moving last year. I have three fermenting, three racking, one on cider, and one doing a wash every now and then. Haven't had to get rid of any of them as of yet. All are still in good shape on the inside.
I use bucket type with snap on lids to ferment in, and screw type for racking and cider etc.
Yes, we drink shit loads of brew

And we never drink before 5 PM.
Wondering if UV light damages them after a while?

My 2 fermenters are going strong after many years and over 60 brews...
+1, 2 fermenters, about 17 brews... Oh, plus 1 25ltr S.S Conical which has only seen 1 brew(my 1st AG).. :beerbang:
Put down brew number 127 yesterday, I have 3 fermenters so I guess each have done about 40 odd
37 AG brews (38 tomorrow), and at leats that many kits prior.

Only 1 fermenter. Never had any peoblems with it other than the standard seal issues. Made a "C" spanner out of an old wood offcut, which seals it perfectly now.

After ever brew, I rinse and soak with a capful of no-name brand dishwasher powder. The same goes for Cold conditioning jerry's and No chill cubes.

The no chill cubes have some staining from the hot wort, but have never caused an infection. The only infection I have had was when I was mucking about reculturing yeast.

My primary has had at least 50 brews thru it, mostly K&K before I moved to AG, no signs of wear and tear yet. I have a second one that I only use for Bulk priming, it's from a Wander kit I bought when I first started brewing and can never get a good seal for fermenting.
Two, both in the last week, first was the kit that came with it and the second was a Ginger beer for the mrs (part of the deal to spend the $$ with SWMBO) but now it smells of ginger... I want to put down a brew tonight... I have washed it a couple of times with brewers detergent, and will sanitise with the sodium meta stuff before use ... will I get any ginger taste in the beer???

What is a good beer for brewing at about 25c as I dont have my fridge contoller yet...
Wondering if UV light damages them after a while?

My 2 fermenters are going strong after many years and over 60 brews...

yes it does they go brittle and crack big time. not so fun when you have a fermenter full of wort. have seen 2 break from going to brittle for leaving out in the sun.
One of mine has a screw tap thread problem - other than that, 3 years old for them...
Three 30L and one 25 for secondary as it fits neatly in the beer fridge. I'm currrently cleaning up a dud fridge I got from my stepdaughter for use with frozen bottles as a fermenting fridge. There is room in it for a 30L and a 25L jerrycan next to it, so I'll be adding a jerry as a secondary as well. Was in Bunnings today and saw some nice 40L square storage bins with lids, tempted to try one as a Yorkshire Square fermenting open in a well-iodophored-fermentation fridge and using Wyeast West Yorkshire.

25 brews so far since June, nothing brewing atm, going AG Next Week :super: :super: :super: