How long is it safe to run chiller?

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Uncle Fester

Old, Grumpy and PROUD of it!
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All, I want to spread out from my usual ales to a lager. When I'm chilling my brew, even though the ground water here in Goulburn is nice and cool at this time if year, it takes a long time to chill below 25 or so, a long way above the 15 odd degrees i'm looking at to pitch my yeast. Question - am I better just running the chiller for another 20 minutes or so, or would I be better placed (infection wise) of chilling to 25 degrees and then putting my fermenter in the brewing fridge (set to 12) and adding 3 or so 300ml bottles of frozen water to drop the last 10 degrees so I can pitch? Or, is it safe to pitch at 25, knowing the fermenter will be at 12 degrees in a few hours?


I hot cube/ no chill all my lagers and when I need them I put the cube in the fridge to get temps required.

You could pitch yeast around 16 - 18 and drop to lager ferment temps if you get there quickly.
I hot cube/ no chill all my lagers and put the cube in the fridge to get temps required.

You could pitch yeast around 16 - 18 and drop to lager ferment temps if you get there quickly.
Figured 25 was a big ask. proably go down the 3 ice bottle route.
Thanks for the reply

Where I live (Port Stephens) it is impossible to get lower than 25ºC in summer.
I simply pitch at that temperature, and whack the fermenter into my fridge. It cools down to my set overnight. No problem.
I rarely brew lagers, but I do that in winter, and chill it overnight before pitching my yeast the next morning at about 9ºC.
Thanks for the replies - I've made some ice blocks from boiled water. I think Ill chill to 25 or so, chuck the ice in for half an hour and pitch at whatever it's at. Im using S189 for the first time, and will ferment @ 12. Good to see this community is still strong - I don't get to visit that often these days.

Fester Out!

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