Excellent chart, that one.
Seriously, for on topic - craftbrewer's website is reasonable, and then wikipedia. Google search does me.
But like @tilt said - some good old fashioned search and read - this forum is easily the best source of info - the main reason is that CB, wikipedia, etc use "business" style descriptions but the members of this forum use far more qualitative factors and give a context for those factors.
For instance, I'll say "Nelson Sauvin is fantastic at 10 minutes, but I find its bittering a little harsh compared to some other varieties. But at 10 minutes grape and gooseberry really come through and fantastic flavour" (Big Nath will say the same). Some others will both denegrate Nelson Sauvin, but will at least give you a reason why. You then have a bucketload of qualitative information which both allows you to decide if to buy it and then how to use it.
A little harder - there isn't a <insert answer here> method, but far more rewarding and far more informative over a long term amateur brewing career.