Haha, I don't want to sound like a downer but Ihave to agree with the general sentiment...once you start to enter the realm of homebrewing you will develop a palate and an understanding of beer that will (unfortunately) leave many of your friends behind.
I thought Tooheys Old (not the recent recipe, but the previous label etc) was nectar of the gods until I made a fairly plain schwarzbier (plain extract and grains, bittering hops with no flavour/aroma additions). Also when you first make a brew that is similar to, say, a LC Pale Ale for eg, you will mess your undies. There is no turning back
It won't be long before you are searching for something beyond a Tooheys New.
It's like once you discover that beer X is just a representation of a certain type of beer, it is the perfection of that type you are after, and not just of the original commercial example.
I hate to drag philosophy back into it but it is the "form" of the beer you after, not just a replication of an imitation of the type (with all apologies to Plato).