Had To Take The Fermenter Out Of The Fridge

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Hi all,

Our main fridge has gone on the blink so we had to transfer everything to my fermenting fridge. Only problem is that I had half completed ferment of Coopers Blue Mountain Lager in there :(

I had to take it out of it's nice 18C and now it's sitting under the house at around 24-28C.

It's only been fermenting 1 week at 18C. I'm hoping to have another fridge by monday (it was friday when i took it out).

I was planning on putting the fermenter back into the fridge for another week at 18C.

So my question is, what will be the effect of going for a week at constant 18C, to three days of 24-28C, then back to another say 4 days of 18C ? :eek:

depending on how much its fermented out, you could get off lucky. You dont have anywhere indoors you can put it? Laundry sink w/ice water?
Hi all,

Our main fridge has gone on the blink .

i think you will be okay now because after a week at 18 i should imagine that most of the fermenting would be finnished,did you take a fg on it b4 you took it out of the fridge, anyway regardless i think the higher temp now wont bother it a lot and by the time you get the new fridge and get this one in to it it will probably be finished, if for peace of mind sit your fermenter in a tub with water and some ice to bring it down to a better temp,probably just put a couple of milk cartons in it full of ice, ie in the tub with water and sit fermenter in the tub
depending on how much its fermented out, you could get off lucky. You dont have anywhere indoors you can put it? Laundry sink w/ice water?

Thanks for the replies guys,

It is kind of indoors, we live in an old Qld'er and underneath is sort of walled in. It's the coolest part of the house. I don't have any big tubs or anything like that. I think it should be ok I don't think it's getting above 25C down there.

Beach towel, three frozen 2 L bottles, foil blanket also helps.


Have done a couple of brews at a steady 22 degrees and our garage here on Bribie gets bloody warm.

Edit: whatever you do, if your main fridge has totally karked it, don't get rid of it. There are a couple of threads on using dead fridges as perfectly good brewing fridges by putting frozen bottles in them, and regularly brewing at 13 degrees just changing the frozen bottles twice a day.
I keep scouring the streets around here for a dead fridge to use for fermenting...

I figure provide the seals are intact, it will do the job with rotating frozen bottles and it will live in the garage which is normally 3-6 deg cooler than the apartment...
I keep scouring the streets around here for a dead fridge to use for fermenting...

I bought a fridge from local Retravision in July and the old kitchen fridge is now my grog, hops, yeasts,and grains fridge in the garage, it can hold a jerry can for chilling but is too small and crowded to be used as a brewing fridge as such. So I'm also looking for a dead one. When the guys delivered the new fridge they charged thirty buck for delivery but that included setting up, removal of the huge box, packings etc and free removal of the old fridge if it had karked it. (not required in my case)

Maybe try the electrical stores in your area and pay them the delivery fee if they get a dead one? I'll be trawling around Retravision etc in a week or so myself.
I like your thinking....

electrical retailers here I come...
Okay this shows my ignorance and newness. Dead Fridge. Do you place you brews in there to keep temp down? When fermenting.
Yes, mainly during the summer months when ambient can spend ALOT of it's time over 30....

Although, at this rate, this summer may even be good for lager brewing..... :ph34r:
Okay this shows my ignorance and newness. Dead Fridge. Do you place you brews in there to keep temp down? When fermenting.

Dead fridge = insulated box.

Add ice and it will cool. Add light globe and it will heat. Add nothing and it will stop rapid temperature fluctuations.
Thank you.

That dead fridge left in the shed by a prior occupant will be put to a good use.
