Hey all, anyone got a good all grain bitter recipe? Preferably an ESB or something with some kick. Just picked up 25kg of pale malt so I want to get a second brew down in the next week to stock up for the festive season.
So far I have tried two similar recipes with the last being (ordinary bitter)
3.5kg pale malt
200g crystal 120
200g wheat malt
Northern brewer to bitter and E.Kent for late additions. Whitbread ale yeast.
Its a perfectly drinkable brew, but I think it is lacking body (higher alc will help that I'm sure
) Also it has a sweetish 'tang' which I think is the crystal 120.
What I am after is a nice smooth bitter with lots of depth but not super malty. I have a copy of 'Designing Great Beers' on order but it is probably going to help with brews down the line and I want to get another brew on soon. This one will have to use Wyeast 1272 (american ale II) which I have on the go now.
Got any good bitters you want to share?
So far I have tried two similar recipes with the last being (ordinary bitter)
3.5kg pale malt
200g crystal 120
200g wheat malt
Northern brewer to bitter and E.Kent for late additions. Whitbread ale yeast.
Its a perfectly drinkable brew, but I think it is lacking body (higher alc will help that I'm sure
What I am after is a nice smooth bitter with lots of depth but not super malty. I have a copy of 'Designing Great Beers' on order but it is probably going to help with brews down the line and I want to get another brew on soon. This one will have to use Wyeast 1272 (american ale II) which I have on the go now.
Got any good bitters you want to share?