Today i am brewing an APA, however, i will be using weyermann bo pils malt, cara hell, and cara munich 1. I will be mashing at 69 for 1 hour, and then decocting 45-50% for 60 mins. The hops will be 30g cascade FWH, and a little bit of hallertau at 60, with some spalt at 15. I will ferment with 1007 at 18c. I dont know why i am doing this. Whenever i plan a brew, i start out doing everything "right",right malts for the style, right hops, yeast etc, and most of the time that's how i brew. But every now and then, by the time brew day comes around, i have tinkered so much that the brew is totally different than to when i started planning it. Is this some sort of disease?? am i missing some part of the brain in charge of logic?? :excl: . Does anyone else have this problem?, or am i alone in this neurological deficiency??
The mad tinkerer :blink:
The mad tinkerer :blink: