Frozen Hops.

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I was just wondering with frozen hop pellets if it's best to get them back to room temp or if they are ok to use just like that?
Are there any benefits or dangers to using them frozen?
What are peoples experiences with them?


I have used frozen hop pellets and flowers. I normally take them out of the freezer, measure what I need and put the rest back so by the time I add them to the kettle they are at room temp. I don't warm them intentionally as I don't think adding them frozen would make any difference.

your guaranteed to get quite a few varying opinions on this one.i used to store my hops in the freezer then use them straight into the wort.then i read somewhere that you shouldnt store them in a freezer only in the fridge so this i have ive read from a reputable american hb supplier to store them in the freezer.
whos right whos wrong?
1 1/2 kg of hops currently in limbo-well the fridge anyway.

big d
I'll like to know the correct way to store hops as well , mine are kept in the fridge
I store mine in the freezer.
Then again I've been known to freeze yeast (accidentally of course), so what would I know? :blink:
Apparently freezing the hops can cause tissue damage and result in loss of bittering compounds. To my knowledge, this hasn't actually been demonstrated and I've read information written by people that have performed studies on loss of bittering over storage time that recommends air-tight storage in a freezer.

While I store my hops refrigerated due to freezer constraints, I won't trust that this is the best method until I see something more than hearsay. Long term I would be of the opinion that freezer storage would be preferable to fridge storage regardless of tissue damage.
Well I got mine from the Grain and Grape and they were frozen.
Whats the shelf life of just storing them in the fridge?

Mine are allways stored in the freezer.

I use them straight from the freezer..
i remember a topic about 6mths ago on this subject.
the concensus then was freezing killed the cells.
refridgeration was the preferred method.
this is what ive been doing with no problems thus far.

although im open to suggestions.

Ok. I just emailed Sandy Ross from Hopco (here in Sandy Bay, Tasmania). These guys handle all the hops out of Tasmania and Victoria, stock a heap of different varieties and basically know what they are talking about in regards to the storage of hops.

This is his comment when asked about the best way/conditions to store hops:

Dear Justin

Under CO2 in the freezer is the best way. They will last for years like
this. We store the bulk of our hops this way.

Sandy Ross
Hopco Pty Ltd
Phone: 03 6225 1596
Fax: 03 6225 2879
Mobile: 0403 005 248

This is how I have been storing my hops. Just put them in a smallish jar, purge with CO2 (real handt if you keg :) ) whack the lid on and freeze.

Cheers, Justin
For the last 6 years I have stored hops in the freezer in zip lock bags.
I haven't noticed any effect in brews that I have used them in.
Just another opinion :rolleyes:

Hops are dried before storage, distribution and use, so I wonder if there are any living cells to worry about? To make pellets, hops are first pulverised, again, HM cells would survive that?

We keep our hops in the freezer.

Jovial Monk
I was told to wrap them in alfoil so I did that, then put them in zip lock bags in the freezer.
However the missus bought one of those vacuum sealers from Danoz - bloody brilliant. I have sealed my hops in one of the bags, sucked out all the air and put them in the freezer.
Justin, I may now purge the bag with CO2 then vacuum seal it just to be sure

The issue with hop storage is the loss over time of alpha acids & volatile oils and consequently loss of bittering ability, flavour & aroma. Storage under CO2 at low temperatures as recommended by Hopco is the most efficient way to minimise those losses. Presumably the CO2 prevents oxidation loss & we all know things last longer in the freezer than in the fridge.
My local HBS keeps Hops for sale in the fridge.
All my hops are zipped up in airtight bags and stored in the freezer.

I chuck them straight into the boil from the freezer - they are going to go into a solution that is at least 80C hotter than the room they are boiled in so the extra few degrees being frozen will make stuff all difference - so far, no probs.

I must admit though, that using CO2 will probably help in keeping the hop pellets and plugs fresher than sealing in O2...A wise head once told me that if you can still smell the frozen hops, through the seal, then you haven't properly sealed the container. If I want to get real pedantic about storing the hops in a jar, you can wax seal the lid just like the missus does with her jams.