I made a batch based on the recipe from Craft Beer Channel for Five Points Best Bitter.
Recipe from around 3 minutes
I’m very happy with this. I think it’s my favourite Bitter-style beer I’ve made for a few years. Beautiful sweet malt and the hops are a revelation.
My batch recipe:
88% Simpson’s Marris Otter
4% Simpson’s Medium Crystal
4% Gladfield’s Biscuit (sub for British Amber)
4% Gladfield’s Wheat Malt
Mash at 67°, 60 minutes
40g Scottsdale Fuggles (pellets) @60 min
30g @ 15 min
80g @ 0 min and proceed to chill to pitching temp. I use the standard issue Brewzilla SS immersion chiller and I stir the wort. My water supply was about 12°. It took about 20 minutes to get down to 18°
Fermented with WLP002 @ 18° 4 days then ramped by 1° per day to 23° for 2 day rest, soft crash to 15°. Bottled 14 days after pitching yeast. 4g white sugar per 750ml aiming for around 2 volumes CO2
The original used WLP013. I used WLP002 because I had some.
The original used whole cone Fuggles.
I have been disappointed with imported Fuggles but I bought some locally grown from a hobby gardener in Northern Tas. They were pelletised and 2023 harvest. I adjusted the main bittering charge downwards to account for using pellets.
I used malts I could obtain locally. I’m glad I could get Simpson’s MO and Medium Crystal, but I couldn’t find any British Amber malt. Have used Joe White Amber in the past but I’m not convinced it’s really an equivalent. I went with Gladfield Biscuit instead.
The beer is not especially clear. I thought it might be clearer but I expect the big dose of flameout hops might have something to do with it. I’m also drinking it at only 3 weeks after bottling so no doubt there will be some changes. It’s stored in the cellar at around 10° at the moment which will remain steadily falling over the next couple of months.
Recipe from around 3 minutes
I’m very happy with this. I think it’s my favourite Bitter-style beer I’ve made for a few years. Beautiful sweet malt and the hops are a revelation.
My batch recipe:
88% Simpson’s Marris Otter
4% Simpson’s Medium Crystal
4% Gladfield’s Biscuit (sub for British Amber)
4% Gladfield’s Wheat Malt
Mash at 67°, 60 minutes
40g Scottsdale Fuggles (pellets) @60 min
30g @ 15 min
80g @ 0 min and proceed to chill to pitching temp. I use the standard issue Brewzilla SS immersion chiller and I stir the wort. My water supply was about 12°. It took about 20 minutes to get down to 18°
Fermented with WLP002 @ 18° 4 days then ramped by 1° per day to 23° for 2 day rest, soft crash to 15°. Bottled 14 days after pitching yeast. 4g white sugar per 750ml aiming for around 2 volumes CO2
The original used WLP013. I used WLP002 because I had some.
The original used whole cone Fuggles.
I have been disappointed with imported Fuggles but I bought some locally grown from a hobby gardener in Northern Tas. They were pelletised and 2023 harvest. I adjusted the main bittering charge downwards to account for using pellets.
I used malts I could obtain locally. I’m glad I could get Simpson’s MO and Medium Crystal, but I couldn’t find any British Amber malt. Have used Joe White Amber in the past but I’m not convinced it’s really an equivalent. I went with Gladfield Biscuit instead.
The beer is not especially clear. I thought it might be clearer but I expect the big dose of flameout hops might have something to do with it. I’m also drinking it at only 3 weeks after bottling so no doubt there will be some changes. It’s stored in the cellar at around 10° at the moment which will remain steadily falling over the next couple of months.