I started brewing late last year and have been using K&K kits with some extra hops.
On the weekend I made my first brew using specialty grains something I now want to continue.
After some searching I have found the following kits. does anybody have experience with them or would recommend one over the others. Obviously once I find one I like I can tweak the hops and what not to make it the way I like but I think these kits are a good starting place as I have no idea which grains can be used for steeping when I am shopping online.
Daves stovetop brew
Blue Mountins Brew
On the weekend I made my first brew using specialty grains something I now want to continue.
After some searching I have found the following kits. does anybody have experience with them or would recommend one over the others. Obviously once I find one I like I can tweak the hops and what not to make it the way I like but I think these kits are a good starting place as I have no idea which grains can be used for steeping when I am shopping online.
Daves stovetop brew
Blue Mountins Brew