Entering A Competition For The First Time

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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I suppose it is time I ploughed on into some new territory :blink:

Being an avid reader and very occassional contributor to AHB :blink: I have noticed that, if I had to generalise, there are two extreme types of posters here and everything in between.

One extreme enjoy discussing the minutest of brewing details. The other extreme are more frivoulous generalists. Both have their virtues and both speak in two different languages.

A joyous day for the former will be judging and deciding between two beers.

A joyous day for the latter will be tasting two beers at a brew day and scoring a lift home. (I think that's me!)

What I really need though is for this thread to tell new guys how to enter a comp. For a start, I'd like to see this thread bumped when a new comp is coming up.

I'd also like to see tips for how and when to bottle your beer, pour it from the tap and still make sure it is carbonated, how to determine your style etc. It might be a good base for a Wiki topic.

I have absolutely no idea on the above and have no idea on the response I will get. I'm very worried that my questions will be of no interest to both camps! My motivation however should be and, if you want to read my motivation for becoming interested in beer comps it can be found here.

Fingers crossed that this will be a really constructive thread,

1. New comps are announced with their own thread.
2. Most comp organisers will tell people in that thread how to enter the comp.

I don't think we need this thread to consolidate what is already a sub-forum.

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