English Ipa

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Just boiling an IPA by the seat of my pants and would like to share my recipe. I only have free ware brewing software so I just make it up as I go along most times.

4 kg MO
3 kg Ale
400g Crystal medium
150g Choc

50g Target at 60
80g of Fuggle / Goldings at 5

no chill

80g of Fuggle / Goldings at 2/3 through primary

30 l batch

expect and OG between 1045-1055

Love the day off

Should be my 100th post in 2 and bit years or so.

Comments are welcome.

looks good to me but the maris otter will already give you a fair bit of colour - the choc malt and crystal will make this fairly dark and a bit sweet. but that might be what you want. what yeast are you using? if you've got WLP001 it might come out quite sweet indeed. some people like their IPAs with a bit of body and dark malt flavour, others (like me) prefer em drier.

i'm going to brew something similar to this next week but i'm thinking mostly halcyon, tiny bit of pale crystal plus some demerara sugar. lots of goldings and styrian. and WLP013.
I have WLP 026 firing up in a starter. My normal FG range is 1012-1016 dont know why but no matter what I make this is about it. Hoping for the upper end for a bit of body. Yep looks dark in the kettle.


looks good to me but the maris otter will already give you a fair bit of colour - the choc malt and crystal will make this fairly dark and a bit sweet.
yarp ... agreed . I prefer to use no or very little "colour" grain in an IPA. I think that base malt gives me enough colour and depth... if used in sufficient quantity :)
Well bugger me, someone else uses Halcyon (...TF)

Whaddya think (of it)?
I've worked my way through most of a sack of it.
Seems like a very nice base malt but I haven't made any beers to really evaluate it. Mainly darker beers and beers were it isn't the sole base malt.
Certainly doesn't not work as I've been enjoying the beers that it has gone into...
Whether it is sufficiently good to stop me moving back to Maris Otter is another story...
Comments are welcome.

Am glad cause this is all wrong.

If your making a 30L batch then your original gravity is going to be somewhere around 1.035, way too low for an IPA. I believe your 8% crystal is ok, you would want some malt sweetness to balance out your BU:GU ratio at around 1.4 or thereabouts which is also over the top for an IPA. Think your colour would be a bit on the red side, might need to rethink the choc.

Sorry if I seem a little critical, but........well.....it's just wrong IMO.

Am glad cause this is all wrong.

If your making a 30L batch then your original gravity is going to be somewhere around 1.035, way too low for an IPA. I believe your 8% crystal is ok, you would want some malt sweetness to balance out your BU:GU ratio at around 1.4 or thereabouts which is also over the top for an IPA. Think your colour would be a bit on the red side, might need to rethink the choc.

Sorry if I seem a little critical, but........well.....it's just wrong IMO.


Listen to the master, Screwys IPA is THE BEST.

ive just made one beer with halcyon - tastes just like maris otter to me. ie very nice, very english, warm and bready.
Screwtop, not sure how you're figuring out that OG. Beersmith gives 1055 for 70% efficiency. IBUs are only about 45, so a ratio of .81 with only 5% crystal.

I agree with Screwtop that it'd be best to drop the choc, but you've made it now anyway and I'm sure it'll turn out drinkable. Would be interested to know how it turns out. :icon_cheers:
Screwy, what is good grain bill for an IPA? i would might putting one down and am fairly new to AG'ing. (without hijacking the thread from shaun_h as it should assist him)
I have just read about Fullers releasing an IPA 5.3% ABV in Australia."It faithfully recreates the traditional characteristics of the extra-strong. extra hopped Pale Ale sent to outposts of the British empire." Got to try this one , IPA's are one of my favourite English styles.
Screwy looks like you have a challenger. :beerbang:
Edit: I believe its bottle conditioned as well.
tis a 30 litre batch, 1055 seems about right. Definately dont need the choc, more of a strong ESB
Looks perfect to me.
I would change nothing, except late hopping in the 2ndary instead of the primary.
150g of choc over 30 litres is just a nice red tinge to the brew.

Just for the record, when I keyed this into beer smith with 70%eff I got:
OG 1054
COlour 14.7 srm

I have just read about Fullers releasing an IPA 5.3% ABV in Australia."It faithfully recreates the traditional characteristics of the extra-strong. extra hopped Pale Ale sent to outposts of the British empire." Got to try this one , IPA's are one of my favourite English styles.
Screwy looks like you have a challenger. :beerbang:

not the old fullers ipa (4.8%)? what's this one called?
Am glad cause this is all wrong.

If your making a 30L batch then your original gravity is going to be somewhere around 1.035, way too low for an IPA. I believe your 8% crystal is ok, you would want some malt sweetness to balance out your BU:GU ratio at around 1.4 or thereabouts which is also over the top for an IPA. Think your colour would be a bit on the red side, might need to rethink the choc.

Sorry if I seem a little critical, but........well.....it's just wrong IMO.


My humblest apologies, slipped a digit I think maybe .3 instead of 3Kg or pale.

So I guess it will be around 1.055 and B:GU around 900 so all is good. Like my IPA's around 1060 - 10.62, but I think this thing will be nice, your crystal would be nearer 5% so a nice balance if you mash for a finish on the sweet side.

My humblest apologies, slipped a digit I think maybe .3 instead of 3Kg or pale.

So I guess it will be around 1.055 and B:GU around 900 so all is good. Like my IPA's around 1060 - 10.62, but I think this thing will be nice, your crystal would be nearer 5% so a nice balance if you mash for a finish on the sweet side.


I don't care Screwy, your IPA is still the best.

Thanks for all the comments. To be honest I would struggle to tell an ESB from an IPA. I am not that edumecated when it comes to beer profiles colours ect. I know (maybe) that an IPA is more bitter for the long journey to India. It turned out to be a bit darker than I thought but I put the choc in for just a bit of roastiness to help balance the sweetness of the crystal, does this make sense? Figures are

Mashed at 67 ish

OG 1060

Pitched this morning

that gives me 55L in fermenters including a Celtic Red FWK.

Looking forward to having a taste and seeing how it all turned out.

I think my efficency into the fementer was between 75 and 80 % about right for my system however I was expecting 1055 as the upper end so happy.

Shawn :icon_cheers: