Duff In Brizzy This Sunday

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Hi guys,

Duff will be spending Sunday night at the Carbrook Brewery - He gets here between 3pm & 4pm.
Anyone who fancies saying hello & joining us for a few beers is more than welcome... :party:

Cheers Ross
I might be around for a few quiet ales :D have to check with the better half first.
Hi guys,

Duff will be spending Sunday night at the Carbrook Brewery - He gets here between 3pm & 4pm.
Anyone who fancies saying hello & joining us for a few beers is more than welcome... :party:

Cheers Ross

Dont let him near the Dam pump I am the only one allowed to stuff that up :huh:

Pumpy :)

I believe Browndog is coming round for a couple, all the way from Ipswich & bringing some of his excellent brews along.
What are the rest of you Brisbanites up to??

cheers Ross
Sorry Duff still trying to drink out the toucan stout @ home - think I started this project on Friday nite :blink: Wasted my batch of hefe-weizen on me mates - the bastards drank it faster than it took to brew :eek:
Well back to the big smoke from the Carbrook Brewery.

Thanks to Jye, Browndog and Bonj for heading out for a few ales, great to meet you guys.

And a big thanks to you Ross (and Jackie) for your hospitality, it was very much appreciated :beer: As soon as the glass was empty it was immediately topped up, all 16 on tap (I think I tried them all) plus the others the boys bought around were first class drops :beerbang:

The Craftbrewer setup is very professional, the grain store made me drool, the coldroom was just awesome.

Thanks again, if any of you guys are in Sydney and need the hospitality replicated, don't be afraid to ask.

Likewise, it was great to meet you at long last, Duff...

Glad you enjoyed your visit, always good to meet new/old faces when passing through Brizzy.

Cheers Ross :beer:
Great to meet you Duff and Jye. One thing that continues to impress me about the folks on this forum is just how friendly and genuinely nice they are.

Thanks for inviting us round Ross. Your oktoberfest struck such a chord with me that I have looked up the recipe. Your 2005 Xmas case swap looks about right... Vienna and Munich just like you said. Just have to wait for my brewery to be finished...