Dry Hopping, Warm Vs Chilled?

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I've got a nice little APA ready for some dry hopping and was thinking about waiting until cold crashing before adding the hops. I typically let it chill for a week before bottling, or in this case, kegging, so we're talking about five days.
The hops are Nelson Sauvin and Cascade to about 40 ibu's and I'll be dropping in a further 12g or so dry of the NS.
Will hops even do their thing in a bucket of near freezing beer or will I just wind up with 12g of un-dissolved pellets stuck in the trub?
Dry hopping works in cold beer. Warm will probably encourage the happenings a bit faster. Taste and see either way.

I dry hop in CC
I recently brewed an Epic Pale Ale. It was a 42L batch. Dry hopped with 110g of cascade for 5 days at ferment temp, then another 110g of cascade cold crash temp. It turned out to be an absolute cracker of an APA. :chug:
Was it epic beer that apparently dry hops at warm tempt then again does it at CC time?
I agree with manticle, flavors/aroma definitely comes faster at higher tempt.
I found 16C works best for me, once fermentation has stopped completely. If I do it higher for some reason I just make sure to keep en eye on it.
*edit: felon bet me to it!
I recently brewed an Epic Pale Ale. It was a 42L batch. Dry hopped with 110g of cascade for 5 days at ferment temp, then another 110g of cascade cold crash temp. It turned out to be an absolute cracker of an APA. :chug:

+ 1.

I dry hopped my epic pale ale clone tonight and threw the fermenter into the CC fridge at 3c.
Does anyone know if abv will affect extraction rate? For example will a higher alcohol beverage dissolve the flavour and aroma components out the hops quicker?
Does anyone know if abv will affect extraction rate? For example will a higher alcohol beverage dissolve the flavour and aroma components out the hops quicker?

Mr Spock would say logic dictates that.
I also dry hop during CC. Just makes it easier than worrying about getting the hops in during a certain stage of fermentation or anything..

throw them in when CC starts, then bottle/keg.

Having them sit there in the cold temps for longer periods of time - i find - doesnt get that grassy taste that leaving them in for a week during fermentation sometimes does
I dry hop mostly at ambient in the primary after fermentation is done. Then rack into secondary and cold crash, then add gelatine as it helps drag down some hop pellet floaty bits that may have escaped the sock.
I have been dry hopping in the serving keg with pretty good results, heaps better flavour and aroma than I have been able to get from dry hopping in the fermenter.

Mr Spock was a homebrewer? Wow.

I bet he like a RIMS-HERMS guy who filtered his beers.

It was the logical thing to do with all the high priced megaswill on Vulcan.
Its not giving us HB'ers a good rep that you guys know so much about Star Trek. :ph34r:

Ok I get it yeh...so even Vulcan nerds can pick up hot intergalactic chicks with a few bottles of HB...Cool.
I have been dry hopping in the serving keg with pretty good results, heaps better flavour and aroma than I have been able to get from dry hopping in the fermenter.


Me too....or +1 thingy. Tea ball dropped into the keg.
Its not giving us HB'ers a good rep that you guys know so much about Star Trek. :ph34r:

Some of us go back further than that, who remembers this show?


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