Picked up one of the brand new Coopers pale Ale kits on the weekend, and put it down with a Goliath "Aussie Pale Ale" kit, and the kit yeast.
Topped up to the suggested 23L which left me with a OG of 1042. Bit low for my liking, but I was interested to see what I'd end up with by following the instructions (except for temp).
Anyone else put one down? I noticed the yeast sachet had a "PA" stamped on it after the use by date. Are they using a different yeast for these kits?
I'm hoping this will be a good beer to give those people who are afraid of hops, and dark beers - you know, the ones that say, "Can't you make one that tastes like <<megaswill>>"
Will let you know how it goes.
Topped up to the suggested 23L which left me with a OG of 1042. Bit low for my liking, but I was interested to see what I'd end up with by following the instructions (except for temp).
Anyone else put one down? I noticed the yeast sachet had a "PA" stamped on it after the use by date. Are they using a different yeast for these kits?
I'm hoping this will be a good beer to give those people who are afraid of hops, and dark beers - you know, the ones that say, "Can't you make one that tastes like <<megaswill>>"
Will let you know how it goes.