coopers pale ale is something wrong

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i am currently brewing a Coopers Pale ale and a Coopers Draught ( seperately) they are both 3 days in and where the Draught is gloomping nicely the Pale Ale has stopped, they are side by side same temp and all (currently on 21c) they are in closed fermenter so I didnt want to open for risk of infection etc. Any idea what is making it stop and can i just give it a shake to stir it up a bit and see if it kick starts it?
Ignore the airlock. Is there foamy shit (krausen) on top of the beer?
Leave it alone, and do not open the fermenter. In a couple of days if you're really worried, grab a sample and take a gravity reading, then another a couple of days later. If it has stalled and the gravity reading is too high, you can give the fermenter a gentle swirl, without splashing, to try to kick start it again.

If you spend any time on this site, you'll see soooooo many threads about "do not trust the airlock, trust your hydrometer".

Relax, it will probably be just fine. :)
gave it a gentle stir (sealed) and the prognosis is good, I have a pulse and he's blowing bubbles...suppose if an airlock was that important they would be worth more
Tighten the lid . It probably wasn't sealed properly and the Co2 was escaping through the seal of the lid and not out the airlock . As long as you have krausen it will be all good .

Relax Have A Homebrew . :chug:
yeah thought of that BB but alas that baby was tighter than my um financially that is...on a different matter the instructions says to add the yeast on top but I actually stirred it in could that be a factor?
2nd time tonight...Relax Have a Home all seems fine.

Yeast on top, stirred in, delivered on a pillow of virgin pubes....makes 50% of **** all difference.
yum beer said:
Relax Have a Home all seems fine.
wow been out of beer brewing for a lot of years and nothing much has changed, the answers are the same just the questions are different good advice again YB thanks
well between the gloomps from the untrustworthy airlock it's been 7 days and I have done a reading and all is good, SG spot on, Smells like beer, same colour as beer and it looks like beer, looks like this boy is bottling tonight :)
Again, ignore the airlock and use a hydrometer whether you are deciding if it has started fermenting or finished fermenting.
gotta love the hydrometer....was doing a batch of the other stuff last month after 7 days no bubbles so I checked it with the hydrometer and it said couple of days to go (temp was a bit colder then) thinking the hydrometer was faulty I used the back up hydrometer and that said the same, thinking I know more than you damn hydrometers I decided to run the batch anyhow...appears I don't know more than the hydrometers...damn hydrometers...made by men but smarter than men... :(