it would cost more than anyone is prepared to pay.could properly make it for around $800-$1000 plus add another $1000 for our labour. it'll take a good full ten days work to build. depending on sourcing the parts.and options.
these units sell in the states for around $3500.thats $7000 of our dollars.more money than most would spend on malt,yeast and hops in a life time.i reckon we could make them and sell them for half that.$2500-$3000.still i don't see anyone orderering one.i don't know any brewers with that much money to fork out for system like that.
but if anyone wants one will do it.
hopefully with in the next few days i will have ordered the kegs.still can't find a way to get them here.
love to get hold of some of them universal 100l pots.but i reckon will keep the current system for our pilot brewery and build a full on 800-1000 litre micro.estimate the cost of the 800litre job at around $90,000.
sounds like a lot but.i don't think it really is.add an extra $10,000 to get the license.them of course somewhere to put it.for a start it could be in a old country town.where real estate is cheap as cheaps.
one day that is.
this all properly sounds like a big day dream.but iam sure most will see the reality is very likely.
cheers jayse.