Castle Hill Comp 2007/8

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Australia wide, last year we even had entrants from the US.

Sweet ,missed the boat on entering a few beers last year , hopefully will manage a few into the comp this year to get some of the 'qualified' feedback' on how my beers need to be improved ....
ETB- The 2007/8 entry forms should available mid July. You can check out last year's entry form at the link below. The open categories won't change that much, with the exception of the kit class where we may introduce an Australian Pale Ale section and added emphasis on the experimental beer section. We think we will only call for one bottle (minimum 500ml) this year. Some of the conditions are being reviewed however the last date for entries (October 13) will be firm.

We are also wondering how much interest there would be in a limited "clone" section.

Any specifc queries please pm me.


We are also wondering how much interest there would be in a limited "clone" section.

Hey, I think that's a good idea. Choose one beer for everyone to clone? Or do you mean a section for clones of any beers the brewer wanted to copy? If it's the first, I think it'd be a fun challenge to brew. Judges to judge how close the beers came to a nominated commercial. :unsure:
I think we'd have to limit it to one or two clones, just to the give the judges a good cross section to compare.
Appreciate any thoughts on this.

The team working on this were concerned that someone would be tempted to rebottle the commercial version but I think we just have to take that chance.

Hey, I think that's a good idea. Choose one beer for everyone to clone? Or do you mean a section for clones of any beers the brewer wanted to copy? If it's the first, I think it'd be a fun challenge to brew. Judges to judge how close the beers came to a nominated commercial. :unsure:
Oh, you cynics.

* Note to self: Remove labels before sending to comp.*

I like the idea very much. I think one or two clones would be the right number. Something light and something dark? Any ale and a lager?

I guess you could just specify that the entry has to be bottled in a different bottle to the original beer just to avoid any problems with just taking off the labels and entering it that way. I don't really think re-bottling the original is such a big problem. For one thing, I'd guess that there's a fair chance that beer would turn out pretty nasty. It's surely going to be oxidised by the transfer for one thing.

But which beers to clone? It'd have to be something fairly widely available, but tasty. LCPA is an obvious choice. As is Coopers. James Squire as well. :D
I agree with Stu, cloning something that is widely available and most importantly,something that is available fresh would be best.
LCPA or JS Golden Ale are fairly easy to do.
But which beers to clone? It'd have to be something fairly widely available, but tasty. LCPA is an obvious choice. As is Coopers. James Squire as well. :D
Coopers Sparkling Ale. I don't know where to put this one within the BJCP styles.
Far out thats a real shame. Was planning to make this my first comp.
Ahh well, the free shipping will make the ANAWBS the maiden comp for me now.

Thats if your beer fits in the style categories they've choosen...

The Castle Hill was an open BJCP comp..all styles
BUMMER .... looks like its the bathurst comp for me then