Hi all, I currently have a dark ale in my fermenter, its a few days in and now im wondering / considering adding some brown sugar to it to give a bit moreflavor to the brew.
Being new to brewing im looking for some advice on if this is a good idea or should of it gone in at the start.
Another thing, I have put 2 brews ion recently using a starter kit, Do i need to add any dextrose or anything similar at the start of fermentation as the shop i purchased them from didnt give me any. I presumed the carbonation drops at bottling would give me the alcohol cotent.
Being new to brewing im looking for some advice on if this is a good idea or should of it gone in at the start.
Another thing, I have put 2 brews ion recently using a starter kit, Do i need to add any dextrose or anything similar at the start of fermentation as the shop i purchased them from didnt give me any. I presumed the carbonation drops at bottling would give me the alcohol cotent.