Brisbane - German Club Octoberfest

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At least one of us stayed till the end :party:

Came back from the dance floor to see Bonj :icon_drunk: being carted off semi-unconscious by security, so glad to hear you got back in one piece.
Think i must have left my Stein in the cab, so he had a result :angry: , so you did better than me Bonj.
Was great to catch up with everybody, we'll have to make it an annual event & with the 200th Oktoberfest coming up in 2 years, maybe a few of us could head over to Germany for the real thing? I'd certainly be in it...

cheers Ross
StillScottish & Mrs StillScottish also got to find out why one of the Hashers is called Chunda :icon_vomit: Thanks for helping get him home Campbell, you must really want those trees lopped :D
I really enjoyed myself as well. I think I was the first to leave.

Not really sure what happened, but I woke up at a bus stop somewhere. Ended up getting in a cab and I assume gave my address before passing out again. Woke up just as we got home.

I did manage to keep my stein tho. My memory seems have gone after drinking whatever it was that was in the wooden keg.
Yes, that XXXX off the wood was average. Not having that again. Glad you made it home in one piece.
Sounds like you all exemplified responsible drinking ;)

Sorry I missed it. :D
StillScottish & Mrs StillScottish also got to find out why one of the Hashers is called Chunda :icon_vomit: Thanks for helping get him home Campbell, you must really want those trees lopped :D

Yep. That guy could spew for Australia!!
Thank goodness for a really understanding cab driver.
I can't wait for next year's.


*edit* - more detail.
No, we didn't make a mess of the cab. He was well empty by then!!
A bl**dy good night was had by all.
Yep. That guy could spew for Australia!!


Good on ya boys, responsible drunks, peaceful and using public transport, way to go. Goes to prove, they don't put agro in good beer, it's not in the recipe, only used by the mega breweries.
You animals, your all a disgrace :lol: