BrewBright is a kettle fining with PVPP that chemically binds haze forming polyphenols
There is another product Polyclar 70/30+ 90g that is a blend of Silica Xerogel and PVPP that is for use in bright beer, it isn't the same as Biofine but closely related and works in a similar way.
Being a powder it requires a bit more preparation (hydrate in cold sterile water for a couple of hours) before adding to the fermenter the day before running off or filtering.
I always use BrewBright, and use 70/30 on the odd occasion I want a lager to sparkle.
There is another product Polyclar 70/30+ 90g that is a blend of Silica Xerogel and PVPP that is for use in bright beer, it isn't the same as Biofine but closely related and works in a similar way.
Being a powder it requires a bit more preparation (hydrate in cold sterile water for a couple of hours) before adding to the fermenter the day before running off or filtering.
I always use BrewBright, and use 70/30 on the odd occasion I want a lager to sparkle.