Brewhaus's Last Day Tomorrow

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Lunchbox Legend!
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I dropped into Brewhaus in Marrickville this afternoon. Paul told me that they were closing & tomorrow was their last day. Everything has to go including fridge, freezer & shelving.

Sorry to see the Innerwest's brewshop closing.

Thanks Paul & Ross for your friendly chats and advice, keep in touch. Good luck.
I was in there on Thurs. night Phil and picked up around $70 odd bucks worth of stuff for $50 and felt very guilty doing so. Nothing like picking over a dead carcas.................

Never met Ross but always found Paul super friendly and a great advocate for all levels of brewers. For the life of me I don't understand why it hasn't worked. The location is a little off the Newtown strip so they never got a lot of walk up traffic but I would've thought once the word got out then he would've done a decent trade.

Ah well that's the way it is I spose.
I've dropped in there quite a few times on my frequent weekends in Marrickville to buy the odd sack of grain, bag of coloured or piece of brewing hardware. Prices were good and they knew their stuff. It had the added benefit of being across the road from the Golden Barley, so I could pick up some brewing bits then head across for a Roti Canai washed down with a St Peter's Blonde or two.

Major bummer.

BTW, anybody else know the Golden Barley? The piss troughs have hand rails at about chest height. I've never seen anything like it...mind you...I've found them useful from time to time... :chug:
A damn shame, I must admit I've only visited a couple of times, but it was a top shop.
I was in there the other week and was informed about them verging on closing, so i picked up a sack of grain while I was there.

real shame
What a shame! I'll probably call in there on the way to the swap, but I know what you mean about feeling bad about being a vulture, Gav. Paul was very friendly, knew his stuff and was very keen. I'd say it's the location that was the weak point. Or maybe just not enough brewers around. :( It's often the good shops that close, while the crappy places stay open? :angry:
It's a shame indeed :( I know that I'll miss the convenience of having them just around the corner.

I don't really want to start a rant on the impact that bulk buys, etc. have on our LHBS's. But from speaking with Paul I get the impression that there is just no money in setting up a 'local' shop front.
I rarely post at all as you can see from my post count. But reading this post compelled me to have a say. It's beyond a shame to see this shop close. I have been shopping around various brewshops around sydney for a few years now and only came across brewhaus around 4 months ago. And I can honestly say Brewhaus were the best by far.

As mentioned before they really knew there stuff and gave great advice. They were super friendly! So much so that I often found it hard to leave at times as the conversation was so good. The prices were very reasonable. And they were just around the corner for me to boot. So it's a real shame to see them go the way of the Dodo.

So Paul & Ross. Thanks for the service and advice you provided and wish you all the best in the future.
Yeah, its a shame that Paul and Ross couldn't make it work. Paul was a great guy and they did a lot of hard work to get the place going. I always had a good chat to them and had no idea the last time i went in (about 2-3 weeks ago) that they were going to close. If i'd have known i would have stocked up a bit, feel a bit guilty that i only bought 1L of iodophor, some yeast and bottle tops!

Sure the bulk buys do impact guys like this, but for every person that goes into a bulk buy via AHB there is at least another 10 brewers still buying stuff via the normal means. Not to say that we shouldn't support the LHBS's any way we can, even though most of us can put up our hand and say that we've done it, however when all's said and done most of us here on AHB are better customers to our LHBS than most. All of our ISB grain bulk buys have been via one of our LHBS anyway, not Cryer Malt like some. The only bulk buy i was in that wasn't LHBS supporting was hops buys from the USA, and i've bought hops in bulk from other brewshops anyway. I don't think bulk buys are the problem, but enough about that. Let's not have the old bulk buy vs LHBS argument that's been done a million times before.

Anyway, back on topic, shame to see it go, i hope Paul and Ross the best in their future endeavours!

And guys, don't feel bad about being a vulture, it's better for them to get at least SOME return on their stock and plant before closing...
Let's not have the old bulk buy vs LHBS argument that's been done a million times before.

I agree :) and I should not have singled out bulk buys :) I guess what I'm trying to say is that, with all the alternative methods of aquiring supplies these days, our spending habits can have affects on the locals. I'm not in a position to say whether overall thats a good or bad thing for the HB community.... or even if this is the whole cause behind the guys having to shut up shop.

I'm more than a little dissapointed that it hasn't worked out for these guys. I for one am sad to see them go :(