Brewart - anyone use?

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OK I will get ready for the abuse :)

Next door neighbour is interested in brewing - I was just getting prices for him of things and email ad came in for brewart. It looks like a great machine and for time poor people it looks ok. The beerflo looks interesting, only issue is 10 l. But prices look high 35.00 for 10l. If the system was 20l and you could put in keg it might not a bad way to brew.. I cannot understand why you dont need c02? Not sure how it carbonates beer?

What stops you putting in your own ingredients - like the beermaker kit which is about 9 litres I think or make a batch of kit and keep half racked for next brew. They look just like packets no bespoke pods or anything ?

early in the morning, i would mix it up with my coffee machine and end up going to work half -pissed :)
you wouldn't get much change out of $1500 to start up either.
according to the video, the dispenser applies air pressure to the outside of the 5l vessel, which is like a wine bladder.
the beer is already carbonated as per usual.
so i would imagine, every time you pulled a pint, there would be a little compressor going off to squeeze the bladder.
it would be a very neat unit for people in a small apartment maybe?
HI Guys

I was going to post about this and already have ... LOL

Does anyone use these?

I was thinking about my Dad, has a few cupboards in the garage that it would fit in nicely.

But seems pricey to me? - its about $1400.00

cheapest beer is $28.00 for 10L - is about $2 a schooner. Not bad if you want the least fuss brewing at home, but if you want something really good will be about $4.

It has this thing called element - which is either a liquid or powder you add water, does not say.

But I am sure you could use other kits, your own ingredients?
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You do not need to use their kits. You could use your own extract recipe or mash your own grains, then boil in a kettle. then ferment in Brewart.