Boiling Hops?

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Hi people,
Thanks for all the advice recently..
Just curious as to how much water you guys boil your hops in?

I just boiled up 15g cascade hops in 500ml of water, then took down to a low heat setting (but still enough to lightly boil)...checking constantly which was fine, until i went outside after about 40mins to mix up malts etc and when i came back in it had boiled dry.
My question - If the water the hops were boiling in dries up does that mean the Alpha Acids accumilated have been boiled off too??
I assumed you didnt want much water in the mix as to not dilute the acid for bittering.
I added another 500ml and then boiled for another ten minutes but am worried i wasted my time because the acid had been boiled off??
Any help....
Thanks people
Wrong forum again....i gotta stop doin this!!!
Just curious as to how much water you guys boil your hops in?

Depends on how big a batch I do. Sorry that's a bit cheeky but I couldn't resist FYI, I only do AG now & hops are added to the whole volume.

Are you doing K&K or extract? If K&K you can get away with steeping your hops in a coffee plunger for 15 mins or dry hop by chucking em straight into the fermetner. If you're doing an extract brew & boiling the malt, chuck your hops in with the malt while it boils. Note add em at different times for bittering/flavour/aroma. Boil longer for bitterness & shorter for flavour, shorter still/if any for aroma.

My question - If the water the hops were boiling in dries up does that mean the Alpha Acids accumilated have been boiled off too??

I reckon you will have dramatically changed the characteristics/profile of the oils by boiling em dry. Ever noticed the difference in the smell/taste/colour of cooking oil if you leave it in the pan too long on high?

I assumed you didnt want much water in the mix as to not dilute the acid for bittering.

There is a relationship between volume & the amount of bittering you obtain. Likewise, the longer you boil the more bitterness is extracted.

I added another 500ml and then boiled for another ten minutes but am worried i wasted my time because the acid had been boiled off??

I think it was a waste of time cause the oils would have been damaged. Easier/better to clean the pot & start again with fresh hops instead of potentially ruining a batch due to the use of cooked hops.

You can't change what's done, so suck it & see - some of the best beers are the results of crap brewdays/ & bizarre mistakes. If it turns out crap, put it down to experience & don't repeat ;) .