Blody Bubbles

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Hi gUYS,

I have set a canadian blond on saturday.

Not one bubble has come though the airlock at all

i have had the wort in the garage and unfortunately the temp has been 18-20c

I checked the lid to see if it was tight and also the rubber ring around the airlock

when i smell the top of the wort there is a smell of fermenting liquid so is assume the gas is escaping from somewhere.

just worried about bottling it in case its a flop.

should i leave it longer like 8 days instead of 6?

or just throw the lot out and start again?


the roc
Measure the SG over a couple of days. This will confirm that the wort is fermenting.
unfortunately the temp has been 18-20c

Not unfortunate, this is a good thing :beer:


definately a good thing if using ale yeasts. Roc it will be fine. You'll soon give up watching for bubbles...there is by the sounds of it a leak. Have you taken a hydrometer reading to see if it was dropped since saturday? Is there a skanky-foam ring (krausen) around the top of the fermenter? Definately dont pour it away. Leave it for another couple of days then take a reading on two consecutive days....she'll be right.
thanks for the reply fingerlickin,

what should i do bottle on sunday or let it go till monday

just checked it then and it was 18c

i have had it covered with blankets but always 18c
yes there is a foamy ring around top.............lots of water condensation on inside of lid.....................this is my 3rd batch and till now all have worked fantastically.

i used the brew enhancer 1 as suggested.
Leave it in the fermenter for around 9 days from pitching the yeast, then bottle it.

If this is the first time you have fermented at this temp you'll be thoroughly impressed with the improvement in the end product :chug:

sincere thanks to all of you.

will leave it till sunday/monday....the temptation is getting to me

i best be off to work

Hopefully you took an og reading.As the guys say take a few sg readings and see how it goes.No bubbles doesnt mean it isnt working away quietly.Probably one of the more common worries is no airlock activity.

Big D

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