Bitter And Twisted Festival

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Is that -1 point for balloon filling duties thanks for the help.

Re the 3 beer wenches, one of them gave me a card, they have a website you can imagine their take on a Heidi Outfit, if youre the bashful type - just dont go there

Doc, the results will be known tomorrow at about 2:30 IIRC. Checks, BoS is 1:30- 3:05 on Sunday.

I was not invited to judge in the BoS as one of my beers may (or may not) be in the best of show round. That means that I may (or may not) have a first placed beer. Geez, I hope it's a wheat beer...been a while since I was recognised for a wheat beer, and I got a name rep, to uphold.

Shortly thereafter, I present (OK, I'll ad lib) a chat on "Winning Beers". Would be good to do it with some "bling" in hand.

BTW, had a great day,especially the beer wenches (ask MHB). Filled a half a gazillion helium balloons and distributed them just as fast as they were filled.

Tasted the Steel River's new organic lager. Appealed to me in a special way, but was not everyone's fave. Also sampled the Shazzam, the Murray's Grand Cru and their dark ale, as well as the Potter's Hefeweizen (brewed by our Keith the Beer Guy), and the Potters Oktoberfest.

Met the beer writer for the Newie Herald, spent some quality time and dirty talk with the mischievous, elusive and sometimes erratic, but always entertaining Dr K. Did a spot in front of the crowd as an interview/Q&A session with a TV interviewer along with Trent and the good (OK intriguing) Dr K before the band came back on.

Overall Rating 9/10

Les :p


We have kept the results a tight lipped secret so as to not influence the BOS judging round tomorrow.

There were no names used anywhere in the comp - in fact I only entered them into the results spreadsheet this morning.

I must say that there were some pleasant surprises amoungst the winners.

But all will be revealed tomorrow.

Talking of revealed, here are some pics of the now famous Dr Kurtz. After the 2 page spread in today's Newcastle Herald Kurtz has been well and truely outed.

"Do not ask for whom the glass is poured .... It is poured for Thee !"


...100% TOP BLOKE....


Here is a pic from today.

This was just after he appeared on stage with Weizguy and explained how the beer belly is caused by the muscle relaxant added to all beer.


Dr K made it back to Salem.
I can only wax lyrical about the Bitter and Twisted, just amazing, a sort of Beer Woodstock without the rain, yes, the rain gods were good, the beer was great, the people were fantastic. A huge round of applause for the organisers and the volunteers who put so much effort into it, and effort that has paid off..I am certainly singing the Festivals Praises here in Salem and next year a bus load of us will almost certainly arrive.
Wow...a week later and I am still enthused.
Maintain Your Head !!!

Dormouse K.
bigfridge said:
Talking of revealed, here are some pics of the now famous Dr Kurtz. After the 2 page spread in today's Newcastle Herald Kurtz has been well and truely outed.

"Do not ask for whom the glass is poured .... It is poured for Thee !"


Another photo here....festival Page.
You certainly are a character, and I reckon that next year there will be some kind of fan club waiting for you! You still have me chuckling at the card you gave me - man, thats a wierd name for a beer, hopefully I get to suck one down one day :lol: